(4 credits) Examines research, perspectives and controversies in urban communication. Focuses on mass and interpersonal communication patterns that make up communication systems in neighborhoods and cities and the importance of technology, with attention to both macro and micro questions about the relationship between communication and environment. In addition, traditional models and theories from communication and a variety of methodologies are applied to the study of urban issues. Active research projects are integrated into the class.
(4 credits) Focuses on the Strategic Communication (planned response) processes often associated with Strategic Management. It is an in-depth and hands on approach to the mechanics, development and implementation of Public Relations Plans, which include elements of Public Relations, Organizational, Advertising and Marketing principles. Research processes will be implemented and used at several levels to identify issues amd audiences as well as to design, manage and evaluate campaigns. Students will learn how to better work with such key publics as media, employees, community members and investors.
(4 credits) Negotiations, both professional and personal, take place on many fronts. This course is designed to raise your negotiation competency by examining negotiation from an intercultural communication competency perspective. You will learn how to develop strategic goals for the international marketplace. This course will allow you to identify and address areas of strength and weakness in your negotiation style.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. In-depth analysis of one or more specific issues in communication theory in relation to an applied problem in communication. Area of primary emphasis varies depending on the instructor. Theory or methodology course; may be repeated once with change in topic.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. In-depth examination of a student-selected communication topic via independent study. Typically involves the utilization of appropriate research methods (e.g., field survey, attitude poll, experimental investigation) as applied to the student’s proposed research topic. Students may serve as research interns in a faculty member’s program of research. Offered every semester; see advisor for help in scheduling. No more than four credit hours from either COM 596 or COM 590 may be counted toward degree completion.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Introduction to the principles of computation, problem-solving methods, and algorithm development using a popular programming language. Development of good programming style and basic skills of designing, coding, debugging, and documenting programs. Use of libraries and conditional compilation. Topics include functions, arrays, strings, structures, recursion, file I/O, pointers, and introduction to linked lists.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): OSM 500; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Methods and concepts necessary for use in computer programming, data structures, relational databases, algorithm analysis, and other areas of computer science. Topics include sets, combinatorics, logic, induction, relations, functions, graphs and trees, recurrence equations, and introduction to proof of program correctness.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 500 and OMS 500; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Continuation of CIS 500. Emphasis on data structures and their use. Topics include stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, and graphs; complexity analysis of sorting, searching, and hashing algorithms.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 500; Co-requisite: OSM 503. Files and their access methods. The structure and use of files, including sequential, indexed, B+-Tree, etc. Characteristics of physical storage devices such as tape and disk. Comparison of mainframe and PC file systems.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506 Introduces Internet and intranet programming languages such as HTML, XML, Perl, JavaScript, and ASP in the context of building Internet and World Wide Web applications. Discusses other technologies including Unix, socket programming, remote procedure calls, and web-based application servers.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. A short history of programming languages and styles precedes the study of an important collection of programming paradigms. The major programming paradigms are surveyed, including procedural, functional, object-oriented, graphical-user-based, and logic programming.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Database systems; their application, advantages, and disadvantages; layered architecture and its physical/logical organization. Relational databases, foundations, and applications. Detailed study of query languages, including relational algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL), Query-By-Example (QBE). Other non-relational systems including the network and hierarchical database models, their data definition and manipulation sub-languages. Data abstraction, E-R models, normalization theory.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Foundations of PC architecture and assembly language. Topics include machine language, hardware fundamentals, registers, numbering systems, data definition, and addressing modes. Fundamentals of systems programming, including the implementation and use of assemblers, macro processors, linkers, loaders, and compilers. Examples of language processors are studied on various computers.
(2 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Co-requisite: CIS 506. Covers the basics of the C/C++ languages and standard library functions needed for systems programming. Teaches students with a Java background to write C/C++ programs using standard library functions.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 545 and CIS 559. Graphical-user interfaces for advanced bit-mapped display systems characterized by close interaction with pointing devices. Consideration of both the underlying application programming interfaces as well as the use of a framework of C++ classes. Use of an interactive environment for design and debugging. A specific industry standard system is explored in detail with extensive programming involvement.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. PC architecture, including interrupts, I/O handling, and memory management. Management of computer resources by an operating system, including hardware, processes, main memory, file systems, input/output, synchronization, and deadlocks. Along with the concepts, an in-depth study of a real operating system is presented and its interfaces examined at the command level as well as the system call level. Topics unique to distributed operating systems are examined, including communication, synchronization, and distributed file systems.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Grad course eligibility for undergraduates: credits earned greater than or equal
to 144 and gpa 2.75 OR level is graduate.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 507. The study of COBOL and its use for data processing. Emphasis on structured programming and program design. Topics include multi-dimensional arrays, SORT, SEARCH, subprograms, random access file processing, character processing, and internal data representation.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 545; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Data communications: characteristics of physical transmission media, including international standards for data encoding and device interfacing; transmission principles, modems and multiplexors, data link protocols, mechanisms for error detection/correction, and flow control. Computer Networks: broad survey of existing networks; network topology; network layers from the ISO OSI reference model; network programming; analytical tools for network analysis and design.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506. The methodology of object-oriented design and programming using the C++ language. Previous knowledge of C is required. The C++ language includes built-in data types, pointers, classes, operator overloading, code reusability via simple and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, stream I/O, and the use of class libraries.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Builds on basic knowledge of computer programming and Java language. Presents in-depth practical exposure to object-oriented analysis and design. Based on the fundamental O-O concepts of inheritance and polymorphism. Introduces Unified Modeling Language (UML). Examines how fundamental building blocks of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism can be put together to build sensible libraries(packages) of classes.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 559. An in-dept look at the Java programming language. Classes and objects in Java, Java applets and applications, graphics, basic and advanced GUI components of Java, exception handling and multi-threading in Java, files and streams. Use of Java on the Internet, networking, and JavaBeans. Event driven programming in Java.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Theory and application of linear programming; formulation of models, including blending, transportation, and warehousing; applications to information technology and artificial intelligence; elimination methods, proof of the simplex algorithm, and the duality theorem; revised simplex method and use of multipliers; dual-simplex and primal-dual algorithms; postoptimal procedures and bounded variables.
(4 credits) Logic circuit design concepts including various CPU implementation methods. Architectural features of minicomputers and microcomputers, including processor organization and control, storage addressing, and input/output structures; emphasis on impact on application and system software. Concepts are reinforced through assignments.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 506; must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Sets, relations, regular languages, finite automata, context-free languages, pushdown automata, phrase-structure languages, Turing machines, Church’s theory, recursion, computability, decidability, computational complexity.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 535, CIS 540, CIS 545 and CIS 580; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree seeking student to be eligible for this course. Logic circuit design concepts, including various CPU implementation methods. Architectural features of minicomputers and microcomputers, including processor organization and control, storage addressing, and input/output structures; emphasis on impact on application and system software; detailed study of popular minicomputers and microprocessors and their use of architectural features.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Completion of the M.C.I.S. preparatory program. Introduction to current research topics in computer science and information systems. Explores how research is done in these areas. State-of-the-art industrial practices also examined. Students prepare presentations on current research topics in computer science or information systems based on surveys of recent articles. Must be taken the first semester after completion of the preparatory program.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 506; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Algorithms and their time/space complexities; models of computation; design of efficient algorithms: recursion, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming; algorithms for sorting, searching, and graph analysis. Algorithms for parallel computing.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506. Database systems; their application, advantages, and disadvantages; layered architecture and its physical/logical organization. Relational databases, foundations, and applications. Detailed study of query languages, including relational algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL), and Query-By-Example (QBE). Other non-relational systems, including the network and hierarchical database models, their data definition, and manipulation sub-languages. Data abstraction, ER models, and normalization theory.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 530 or CIS 610; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Detailed study of the relational model of data, including its query languages: relational algebra and relational calculus. Expressive power of query languages. Design of relational databases, functional and multivalued dependencies, normalization theory, elimination of update anomalies, lossless joins, and dependency preserving decompositions. Exposure to practical aspects of relational design and query evaluation.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 530 or CIS 610; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Discussion of data models, including relational, functional, ER, enhanced ER, object-oriented, and networks. Query processing and optimization. Transaction handling, recovery, and concurrency control. Enforcing security and integrity constraints. Distributed and multimedia databases. Hands-on experience with some relational/non-relational DBMS systems.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 568 or CIS 569; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Issues surrounding the development of distributed applications, including their architecture, design, and implementation; use of the Java Enterprise API?s; includes servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), RMI, CORBA, JNDI, Enterprise JavaBeans, and XML; design and development of complex, distributed web applications.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 630; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Surveys the tools, techniques, and design principles behind large-scale web-based systems; covers many of the design, deployment, and maintenance issues that are likely to arise in practice. Both multi-tier and peer-to-peer architectures are discussed. Students gain practical experience in design, implementation, deployment, and testing of simple distributed systems under RM, CORBA, SOAP, and web services.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 630; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. This course teaches the latest in wireless technologies, including wireless networks, wireless carriers, operating systems for mobile devices, wireless security, WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), WML (Wireless Markup Language), and micro-browsers. Design and implementation of wireless applications using Sun’s J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), including applications that utilize user interfaces, graphics, Graduate Course Descriptions /223 multimedia (the Mobile Media API for J2ME), storage to device’s database, and network connections. Included will be n-tier applications that use servlets on a Web server and mobile device software as the first tier. Also covered will be Microsoft Windows CE and Pocket PC.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 568 or consent of instructor; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Co-requisite: CIS 610. Introduction to structured systems analysis and design; use of data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, and structured English in systems analysis; use of structure charts, coupling, cohesion, transform analysis, packaging, and various heuristics in systems design.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 568 or consent of instructor; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Importance of software quality assurance; metrics for quantitative comparisons and evaluations of software and of development processes; phases and activities of a software life-cycle; use of cost-estimation models to plan the cost, schedule, and effort required at various levels of project detail; software project planning and control techniques; use of estimates in decision making for management; computerized tools for software estimation and project management.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisites: CIS 559 and CIS 634. Introduction to object-oriented systems development. Object modeling, use cases, class development, CRC analysis, class diagrams, interaction diagrams, and state transition diagrams. Transition from analysis to design. Design specification. Transition from design to programming.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 600; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Continuation of computer architecture; microprogramming and its use; architecture of device interfaces, including CRT and floppy disk interfaces, direct-memory-access support chips; object-oriented computer architectures; special machine organizations, including stack, vector, and parallel machines. Software environments and program development techniques for parallel computers.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 535 and CIS 620; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Practical overview of the principles involved in the design and construction of translators. Language theory and its relation to push-down automata, parsing methods, finite state machines and lexical methods, including data representation and run-time environments. In-depth coverage of major parsing and syntax-directed translation ranging from top-down recursive-descent methods, including LL(k) and SLL(k), to bottom-up LR methods, including simple LR, canonical LR, and lookahead LR, with exposure to the yacc parser generator tool. Lexical analysis, including regular expressions, finite state machines, and the lex scanner generator tool.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506 and CIS 540. The fundamental principles of traditional computer graphics, including algorithms for 2D and 3D graphics. Also covers the sophisticated imaging capabilities in Java 2D and the powerful functionality of the new JAI APIs. Students learn how to create all types of graphics; how to load, render, and manipulate images, and how to perform image analysis. The APIs can be used to create cross-platform, Internet-enabled imaging software.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Introduces digital capture, representation, processing, and playback of multimedia data, audio, video, and images. Java is used for programming assignments and Java media APIs are studied and used. Commercial products for multimedia capture, editing, and broadcast also are used.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 530. Must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. This course will examine data mining methods, technologies, techniques and algorithms. The course will also cover data quality issues, data reduction, data preparation, data pre-processing, model creation, model selection, and model evaluation. Sample data sets will be used to illustrate the course concepts by hands-on experimentation with data mining algorithms implementations and/or by using existing data mining software.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 580 and CIS 620; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. View of computer hardware, software, and applications from a queuing perspective; analysis of single queues and queuing networks for evaluation of system performance; operational analysis.
CIS 665 - Artificial Intelligence Languages and Applications
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 506. Investigation and application of major symbolic AI languages; functional language Lisp; logic programming using Prolog; knowledge discovery techniques including machine learning, and other symbolic AI techniques.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 505 and CIS 506; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Study of recent AI techniques important for practical applications, including neural networks, genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems, and chaotic systems.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 506; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. An introductory course in biology or chemistry is recommended, but not required. Computational methods for study of biological sequence data in molecular biology. Analysis of genome content and organization. Techniques for searching sequence databases, pairwise and multiple-sequence alignment, phylogenetic methods. Protein structure prediction and modeling, proteomics and the use of web-based bioinformatics tools.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 580 and CIS 620; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. Further study of operating systems through detailed case studies of a multi-user operating system written in high-level language.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 535, CIS 545 and CIS 554; must be admitted to the College of Business as a degree-seeking graduate student to be eligible for this course. A comprehensive study of security vulnerabilities in information systems and the basic techniques for developing secure applications and practicing safe computing. Topics including common attacking techniques such as buffer overflow, Trojan, virus, and others. UNIX, Windows, and Java security; conventional encryption; Hash functions and data integrity; public-key encryption (RSA, Elliptic-Curve); digital signature; watermarking for multimedia; security standards and applications; building secure software and systems; legal and ethical issues in computer security.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CIS 600, CIS 620, and CIS 654. Protocol software and conceptual layering, reliable delivery over an unreliable channel, addressing and address resolution, internetworking and routing algorithms, congestion and flow control techniques, transport protocols, name and name binding, network file systems, the client-server paradigm, analytical tools for network analysis, and performance measurement.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Undergraduate and Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level courses; dept consent required. Work experience in a professional environment. The work performed must extend the academic curriculum and provide a meaningful learning experience in the student’s area of interest. Term paper required.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Varies depending on content. Special topics of current interest in computer and information science. Content varies each offering. May be repeated with change in topic.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Varies depending on content. Special topics of current interest in computer and information science. Content varies each offering. May be repeated with change in topic.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses; dept consent required. Study of significant problems in some phase of administration related to the computer industry or computer applications. A written report, suitable for publication in a professional journal, is required. Available only to M.B.A. students taking a computer science concentration.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Departmental approval of written proposal. Research in some area of computer and information science; primarily for students who intend to pursue doctoral studies. Students may register more than once for this course with departmental approval.
(4 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in master’s program in counseling or social work.
Provides an introduction to the assessment, prevention and treatment of chemical dependency, with emphasis on the application of specific clinical counseling strategies to this specialized problem area. Since substance abuse may underlie or coexist with a variety of other problems, including family violence, mental illness, health issues, etc. the counselor trained in the assessment, prevention, and treatment of chemical dependency will be better able to assess and intervene appropriately.
(1 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in master’s program in counseling or social work.
Provides an intensive overview of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs of abuse focusing on what is known about how particular drugs trigger dysfunctional gene-environment interactions resulting in physical dependence.
(1 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in master’s program in counseling or social work.
Provides an overview of the ethical and legal codes pertaining to addictions, counselors, and drug dependence. This course assumes a general knowledge of ethics in the helping professions as covered in CNS 617 and elaborates on the Ohio Revised Code 4758-8-01 Code of Ethics for chemical dependency counselors.
(3 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in ECMH certificate program. This course is designed to enhance the helping professional’s knowledge of child development and factors affecting child development and mental health with a focus on knowledge of young children’s social and emotional development and their relationship to mental health. This includes knowledge of major theories of child development; an understanding about brain development and sensory processing and their role in children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development; knowledge of major developmental milestones; an understanding of
bonding and attachment on the development of nurturing relationships; and an understanding of environmental and cultural factors that mediate children’s developmental experiences including what we are learning from the newer field of epigenetics. The knowledge of typical and atypical child development (and their relation to mental health) gained through this course will allow students to plan outcomes using developmentally appropriate strategies, interventions, or environmental adaptations or modifications and accommodations.
(3 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in ECMH certificate program. This course is designed to enhance a student’s understanding of the dynamics of families with young children, including the way the family facilitates attachment
and processes relational anxiety. This course will also help the student to be aware of anxiety and depression within the family and how that impacts family dynamics. Finally the course will examine the leading therapeutic interventions that will produce change in both the functioning of the family and the mental health status of the young child.
(3 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in ECMH certificate program. This course is designed to introduce students to the evaluation and assessment of children from birth to age five. Students will build upon their understanding of
normal child development to learn how to determine when there are concerns about the children’s social and emotional development. The impact of the parent-child relationship on the growth, development, and functioning of the child will be understood. The effect of cultural and social diversity on the assessment process will be explored. Specific diagnostic tools will be examined as well as classification systems for early childhood mental health disorders. The necessary steps to refer and link children and families with mental health services will be reviewed.
(3 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in ECMH certificate program. A master’s degree in clinical or school counseling for certification in early childhood mental health, an undergraduate degree in teaching, psychology or social work for certification in early childhood mental health, CNS 510, CNS 511, CNS 512. This course is designed to introduce students to the developmental techniques and interventions
applicable to helping relationships with children from birth to age five. Students will have experience with treatment planning, intervention and assessment as an ongoing process. This course will also cover play techniques and the use of behavioral assessment in consultation.
(4 credits) Prerequisites: Acceptance in ECMH certificate program. This course is designed for students to put into practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the early childhood mental health and behavioral consultation certification program. Students will complete and log a minimum of 300 supervised hours in either an early childhood mental health setting or in behavioral consultation. Students will work with both a faculty instructor and an on-site supervisor. This is the capstone course of the certification program, and successful completion will be measured by feedback from faculty instructor, site supervisor, and completion of class requirements. Because this class requires work with a special population, students will be held to a high standard of ethical behavior and clinical competence. Any concern about ethical or competent behavior by either instructor or site supervisor will result in a concerned person conference. Results of that conference could include, but are not limited to, a request that the student retake identified courses, retake internship at another time, a suggestion for personal therapy, or the student could be dropped from the program.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted as a graduate student to be eligible for this course. Provides a foundations background in current social/cultural issues, including multiculturalism, alcohol/drug use and dependency, and issues related to our pluralistic society.