Feb 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2016 - 2017 
Undergraduate Catalog 2016 - 2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs

Air Force ROTC (Aerospace Studies)


The Air Force ROTC program provides professional preparation for students considering service as officers in the U.S. Air Force. The program also offers information on Air Force career opportunities and the role of the military in the American society. Courses in AFROTC are offered to Cleveland State students through a crosstown agreement with Kent State University (KSU). Students enrolled in AFROTC receive Cleveland State credit for the courses; however, the courses are taken at KSU.

Curriculum Registering

Courses are normally taken for academic credit as part of the students’ electives. Entering freshmen and sophomores may register for Aerospace Studies courses at the same time and in the same manner as they enroll in their other college courses. Juniors and seniors wishing to enroll in AFROTC should call the AFROTC Unit Admissions Officer prior to enrollment to discuss the particular requirements.

The curriculum in Aerospace Studies is divided into two parts: the General Military Course (GMC), usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years, and the Professional Officer Course (POC), normally taken during the junior and senior years. Students who qualify will attend a four- (or five-) week Field Training Encampment, usually between their sophomore and junior years. Air Force officers are assigned as full-time faculty members and teach all Aerospace Studies courses.

Students register for an Aerospace Studies course and Leadership Laboratory. Freshmen may register for AF 101  and AF 103  for the fall term and AF 102  and AF 104  for the spring term. Sophomores may register for AF 201  and AF 203  for the fall term and AF 202  and AF 204  for the spring term. Juniors will register for AF 301  and AF 303  for the fall term and AF 302  and AF 304  for the spring term. Seniors in the AFROTC program will register for AF 401  and AF 403  for the fall term and AF 402  and AF 404  for the spring term.


Uniforms and textbooks are provided at no charge to all students enrolled in AFROTC. Textbooks are returned upon completion of each academic year or upon withdrawal from the course.

Veterans with previous honorable U.S. military service who wish to enroll in the POC may be eligible to receive a waiver of either the GMC or its equivalent as an entrance requirement. Veterans who meet all other requirements will be enrolled at the beginning of the junior year.

Financial Assistance

In-College Scholarship Program

Students who demonstrate academic and leadership potential may be nominated by the professor of Aerospace Studies to compete for scholarships. These scholarships are for three or two years, and are awarded in all majors. The scholarship award includes tuition, laboratory fees, $900 annual textbook allowance, and a monthly stipend of $300 to $500, tax-free.

Scholarship Statement of Understanding

Air Force ROTC scholarship recipients must meet and maintain certain academic and military retention standards and serve in the active-duty Air Force after graduation.

Incentive Program

Air Force ROTC students completing Field Training and successfully entering the Professional Officer Course (juniors and seniors), who are not already on scholarship, are eligible to receive $450 to $500 per-month stipend, tax free. Cadets must be in good academic standing.

Contact Information

For further information, contact the Department of Aerospace Studies, AFROTC DET 630, 104 Terrace Hall, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 at 330-672-2182, or e-mail det630@kent.edu.

Army ROTC (Military Science)

General Information

The Department of Military Science is also known as the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) department. Military Science basic courses are open to all students as electives. The department provides instruction to the student body in general on the role of the military in America. Such instruction includes military skills, leadership, adventure training, and the role of the military in society.

The department is both an academic entity of the university and an Instructor Group of the United States Army. It is staffed by the Army with approval of the university president. The instructors are professional Army officers whose academic backgrounds meet standards set by the university.

The goal of Army ROTC is to prepare young men and women for service as Army officers. Students will explore and evaluate the Army’s career opportunities offered upon graduation with baccalaureate degree. The ROTC program also accommodates students enrolled in graduate degree programs. Courses in the Military Science Basic Program (see MSC I & MSC II below) are offered at Cleveland State University. Courses in the Military Science Advanced Program (see MSC III & MSC IV below) are offered to Cleveland State students through cross-enrollment with John Carroll University. Students enrolled in advanced Army ROTC receive Cleveland State credit for the classes; however, the instruction is given at John Carroll.

Basic Program (MSC I, MSC II)

Students normally take the Basic Program courses during the freshman and sophomore years. Classes are usually taken for academic credit as part of a student’s electives. The Army ROTC Basic Program consists of MSC I and MSC II. MSC I has two courses: MSC 101  (Introduction to Military Science) in the fall semester and MSC 102  (Introduction to Leadership) in the spring semester. MSC II courses include MSC 201  (Self/Team Development) in the fall and MSC 202  (Individual/Team Military Tactics) in the spring. Students taking any or all of the basic courses incur no military obligation and are not part of the Armed Forces. Completion of the four basic course classes (MSC 101 , MSC 102 , MSC 201 , & MSC 202 ) is a prerequisite for acceptance into the Advanced Program (MSC III & MSC IV). Prior military service, current Army Reserve or National Guard status, or attendance at the Army ROTC Leadership Training Course at Fort Knox, Ky., during the summer may also fulfill the Basic Program requirement.

Advanced Program (MSC III, MSC IV)

Students normally take the Advanced Program courses during their junior and senior years. These courses include MSC 301  (Leading Small Organization I), MSC 302  (Leading Small Organization II), MSC 401  (Leadership Challenges and Goal-Setting), and MSC 402  (Transition to Lieutenant). In addition, the Advanced Program includes a weekly Leadership Lab with emphasis on exercises in leadership, tactics, land navigation, communications, physical fitness, operations planning, and military customs. Each course also includes a three-day field training exercise during the semester.

Students must be accepted by the chair of the Military Science Department at John Carroll University before they can enroll in the Advanced Program courses. Once accepted, each student enters into a contract to complete the courses and to accept a commission as an Army officer upon graduation. While enrolled in the Advanced Program, each contracted student is paid a subsistence allowance of $300-500 a month during the school year. All students enrolled in the Advanced Program are required to attend a five-week Leadership Course at Fort Lewis, WA, during the summer between their junior and senior year.

Upon satisfactory completion of the advanced courses and award of the baccalaureate degree, students are commissioned as second lieutenants and serve out a military obligation of at least four years, depending on their active or reserve force assignment. Students may request either Active Duty or Reserve Force Duty (Army Reserve/National Guard). Under certain conditions, students who have completed the baccalaureate program and their military science studies may request delayed entry into the active Army to pursue some types of graduate studies, such as medical and law school. Other options available to students in military science are opportunities to attend Airborne, Air Assault, Northern Warfare, and Mountain Warfare training courses.


The U.S. Department of the Army annually awards four-year and three-year scholarships on a competitive basis to high school students nationwide. Winners are announced in early spring. College students can apply for a campus-based Army scholarship in the fall or spring semester of their freshman or sophomore year. In order to apply for any of these scholarships, applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or better, a minimum SAT score of 920 or an ACT score of 19, pass the Department of Defense medical physical, and meet the Army physical fitness requirements. Two-year scholarships are also available to graduating seniors who will be attending graduate school.

Scholarships based upon merit are awarded for up to $17,000 annual tuition. Scholarships also include lab fees, a book allowance of $1,200 per year, and a monthly subsistence of $300 to $500 during the academic year.


All university students are eligible for enrollment in the basic courses (MSC I and MSC II). Students who are 18 years of age, who are American citizens or intend to become naturalized, and who are physically qualified are eligible for enrollment in the advanced courses of the Military Science department. Any student may audit basic courses in the department with the approval of the chair and appropriate institutional authorities.

Point of Contact

For additional information about the Army ROTC program, contact the Department of Military Science, John Carroll University, at 216-397-4421.



Cleveland State University’s Viking sports teams compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I. The University sponsors programs for 16 intercollegiate sports – nine for women and seven for men. The Vikings are members of both the Horizon League and Eastern Wrestling League, which gives Cleveland State’s student athletes the chance to regularly compete against some of the best athletes in the country. Cleveland State University student athletes represent the university community at local, regional, national and international competitions, including the NCAA Championships and the Olympics. More than 40 Viking student athletes have been selected as All-Americans in their respective sports.

Viking student athletes learn some of life’s most valuable lessons – sacrifice, preparation, teamwork, competition, and resiliency – while representing Cleveland State in the classroom and the community. In the classroom, the cumulative GPA for Cleveland State’s more than 250 student athletes is consistently near 3.0. University teams regularly rank among the nation’s academic best, with many having been named Academic All-Americans. Cleveland State’s Athletic Academic Advising Office coordinates an extensive support system, including study halls and tutoring.

Community service is a cornerstone of Cleveland State University athletics. Viking student athletes, led by the university’s Student-Athlete Advisory Council, participate in a variety of volunteer activities ranging from tutoring to adopt-a-school programs.

Black Studies Program


The broad mission of the Cleveland State University Black Studies Program is to provide the university community and the Greater Cleveland community with opportunities to acquire greater knowledge and a broader understanding and appreciation of the history, life, arts, culture, and experiences of African peoples and peoples of African descent on the African continent, in the United States of America, and throughout the African Diaspora. The time-span that encompasses this study of Africa, Africans, and peoples of African descent extends from the beginnings of ancient African civilization to the present.

The Black Studies Program seeks to provide information, dialogue, and experiences that contribute knowledge that serves to shape attitudes and behaviors necessary for living and working effectively and harmoniously in a multiracial, multiethnic, and multicultural society.

The Black Studies Program is a member of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS). The director of Black Studies reports to the Dean of CLASS. The Black Studies staff consists of the director who oversees all operations, programs, and activities of the Black Studies Program; the coordinator of the Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center, who is also the assistant to the director; the coordinator of administrative services; and a secretary. The Black Studies Program provides activities and services for the enrichment, education, and enjoyment of all Cleveland State University students, faculty, and staff as well as the Greater Cleveland community.

The Black Studies Program seeks to carry out its mission through the following six instruments:

  • The Black Studies Academic Program
  • The Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center
  • The Howard Mims Lecture, Arts and Media Series
  • The Jazz Heritage Orchestra
  • IMAGES, a weekly Black Studies radio forum
  • Black Aspirations Week

Black Studies Academic Program

The Cleveland State University Black Studies Program offers a major and an interdisciplinary minor in Black Studies through approximately 87 Black Studies courses taught in 20 different departments that are housed in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the College of Education and Human Services, the College of Urban Affairs and the College of Science. These courses include the contributions of Africans and persons of African descent throughout the Diaspora to literature, arts, culture, religion, music, drama, science, technology, education, health, communication, and dance. The courses focus on information about African and African-American experiences in slavery, emancipation, segregation, desegregation, protests, and revolts, as well as the study of black institutions, organizations, businesses, and the urban experience. These courses explore the politics, philosophy, psychology, and sociology of the Black experience.

The director of Black Studies, with the assistance of Black Studies professional staff members, is responsible for the administration of the minor in Black Studies. Administration responsibilities include advising students who elect a minor in Black Studies. This is done in conjunction with a member of the interdisciplinary Black Studies faculty. The director of Black Studies also serves as advisor to students pursuing a Personally Designed Major (PDM) in Black Studies. The director of Black Studies is responsible for communicating with the faculty who teach the Black Studies courses and with chairpersons of departments in which Black Studies courses are taught in order to encourage the establishment of additional courses and to facilitate the smooth functioning of the Black Studies Academic Program. For more information, contact the director of Black Studies at 216-523-7211.

The Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center

The Black Studies Program operates the Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center located in Room 137 of Main Classroom. The center’s programs include Umoja Round Tables, Kuumba Arts Presentations, Curtis Wilson Colloquium Series Lectures, the Black Studies Ambassadors, as well as Bridges to Africa Panels and Celebrations. These programs feature revolving exhibits, engagements with performing artists, formal colloquia, films and video recordings about African American, African and African Diaspora history, life and culture. The Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center is also designed to assist with student retention initiatives and provides an aesthetically enhanced atmosphere where students are invited to relax, engage in formal or informal discussions, study, and receive tutoring. This space is available for meetings by students, faculty/staff groups and organizations, as well as community organizations and groups aligned with the mission of the Black Studies Program.

The Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center is open to students, staff, faculty, and the general public Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The coordinator of the Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center should be contacted for scheduling events during regular hours or for use of the center on special occasions. For more information, contact the coordinator of the Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center/assistant to the director of Black Studies at 216-687-3656.

The Black Studies Lecture, Arts and Media Series

The director of the Black Studies Program and other members of the Black Studies staff are responsible for bringing to the university and the Greater Cleveland community outstanding speakers, the creative work of visual and performing artists, videos, and film. The director-in conjunction with the Black Studies staff, a student advisory council, a community advisory council, and members of the interdisciplinary Black Studies faculty-is responsible for presenting this annual series, which is an extension of the Black Studies Academic Program. One purpose of the Lecture, Arts and Media Series is to preserve and perpetuate vital aspects of African, African American, and the African Diaspora cultural experiences, especially those artists and programs of high quality, which are often neglected. Cleveland State University students are especially encouraged to take advantage of these culturally enriching and highly educational activities and events which are designed to be an extremely vital part of their total college experience. Special efforts are also made to make these events of the Lecture, Arts and Media Series available to all segments of the general public. For more information, contact the secretary of the Black Studies Program at 216-687-3655.

Jazz Heritage Orchestra

In 1998, with a small band of supporters, the late Dr. Howard A. Mims, professor emeritus and former director of the Cleveland State Black Studies Program, founded the Jazz Heritage Orchestra (JHO). They envisioned the establishment of a world-class orchestra with a three-fold mission: primarily, to preserve and perpetuate the musical heritage of the great African American jazz masters, who were its primary creators and major innovators, through the education of young people and the general public by offering educational residencies, clinics, workshops, and master classes; secondly, to present jazz to all strata of society through concert performances, festivals, and conferences; and thirdly, for the Jazz Heritage Orchestra to create its own legacy by producing new music. These professional musicians are world-class jazz performers and highly competent music educators committed to taking jazz music and its history into the schools and other learning venues. The Jazz Heritage Orchestra is a 17-piece not-for-profit jazz orchestra officially in-residence in the Black Studies Program at Cleveland State University. JHO offers ensembles ranging from trio to a 12-piece band. Dennis Bradley Reynolds, former lead trumpeter with the Count Basie and Clark Terry Big Bands, is the artist director. For information, call 216-687-5461 or e-mail jazzhorch@csuohio.edu.

“Images” Radio Forum

“Images” is a weekly Black Studies Program radio forum. The office of the Black Studies Program is responsible for producing the program, which is hosted by the director of the Black Studies Program. The director serves as executive producer. Engineering services are provided by Cleveland State’s Instructional Media Services in the IMS studio where the forums are recorded for future broadcast. “Images” is heard each week on two Cleveland area radio stations: WZAK-FM (93.1) Sunday, 6 a.m. and WCSB-FM (89.3) Wednesday at noon. In addition to discussions and conversations with local, national, and international guests, “Images” is used to promote activities and events of the Black Studies Program as well as activities of other departments and units of the university. For more information, call 216-687-3655.

Black Aspirations

The goal of Black Aspirations Week is to highlight the accomplishments and achievements of African/African Americans throughout the Diaspora. Speakers, artists, and others are brought to the Cleveland State University campus to educate students and community residents regarding the diverse contributions made by African/African Americans. Most Black Aspirations events are free and open to the public.

Continuing Education


Continuing Education has a long history at Cleveland State University, and we are very proud to offer a variety of courses and workshops through our academic units. Northeast Ohio benefits from CE’s professional development programs and offers local communities the opportunity to gain knowledge, pursue personal enrichment, and obtain licensure or CEU’s.

Please visit our website for more information: http://www.csuohio.edu/ce/

  • English as a Second Language (ESL) and Intensive English Language Program
  • Hazmat Courses & Emergency Preparedness
  • Business and Management and Computer/IT Programs
  • College of Education, CASAL (Training and Development Certificate Program)
  • Nursing Refresher and Patient Advocacy
  • Courses for Social Workers
  • Test Prep - GRE, GMAT, LSAT, NLEX
  • Non - Credit Language Courses
  • Center for Leadership Development
  • College of Education, CASAL (Counseling Courses)
  • Fitness for Life
  • Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators(BENHA)
  • Diversity Management
  • Engineering - Nondestructive Evaluation of Concrete Infrastructure

Cooperative Education


Through the Cooperative Education Program, students can explore career and academic options, pretest career choices, put academic theories to work with professionals in their field, polish personal and professional skills, and earn money to contribute to their educational costs. Cleveland State University offers the Cooperative Education Program in all undergraduate fields of study and most graduate programs. Co-op students work in positions that are closely related to their academic areas of study and career interests. Work experiences are typically scheduled during alternate semesters beginning in the sophomore year. In some cases a parallel schedule of part-time work is available.


There are three basic requirements for admission to the Cooperative Education Program: Students must have earned at least 30 semester hours, be in good academic standing prior to the first assignment, and have completed the one-credit-hour CSC 121 - Career Orientation  course. Transfer students are also eligible to participate in co-op.

Application for admission usually is made in the freshman year or, in the case of a transfer student, during the first semester on campus. Application requirements are satisfied when the student completes CSC 121 , which presents detailed regulations and procedures for obtaining the greatest value from the co-op program and aids students in clarifying their career goals and sharpening their job-search skills.

Academic Credit

All co-op students are required to register their co-op experience with the university. CSC 300  provides for academic credit in recognition of the educational value of the cooperative education experience. In this way, one credit is given for each co-op experience completed. This credit is not counted toward the number of hours needed for graduation, but it will add academic hours to a student’s credit total. The academic credit maintains a student’s full-time status while on a co-op job. CSC 400 , a non-credit option, is also available. However, CSC 400  does not maintain a student’s full-time status.


The Cooperative Education Program is administered by the Career Services Center. During the Career Orientation course, students are assigned to a career coordinator. The coordinator acts as a liaison between the university and the working community, developing co-op opportunities and maintaining an effective rapport with all program participants.

Co-op Job Placement and Scheduling

Co-op employers include a wide range of businesses and industries, governmental, social service agencies, and school systems. Jobs are developed with employers who will provide a meaningful work experience, the standard rate of pay for the work being performed, and a careful evaluation of the student at the completion of the work semester.

Coordinators help students in the entire placement process providing counseling and contacts. Students then apply directly to the employer and are hired on their own merits. Students must register for CSC 300  or CSC 400  (Co-op Field Experience) during each semester in which they have a work assignment.

The co-op schedule, showing the semesters the student will be in school and when the student will be at work, is prepared by the coordinator in consultation with the student and the appropriate academic adviser. The coop student typically alternates periods of being at work and at school from the end of the freshman year to the beginning of the senior year. Two students are often paired with the same employer, thereby keeping a designated co-op position filled at all times. Variations in length and pattern of co-op schedules are considered on an individual basis with many factors being considered.

Students enrolled in the Cooperative Education Program are expected to comply with all of the policies, rules, and procedures governing the program, which are explained further in the Career Orientation course.

Departmental Programs

Students with high grade point averages and a desire for academic challenge should be aware that several departments offer separate departmental honors programs for their students. These include: Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences; Chemistry; Economics; Health Sciences; History; Modern Languages; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Physics; Psychology; Sociology; and Speech & Hearing. Details can be found in the program descriptions for these departments.

International Student Services (CISP)


The Center for International Services and Programs (CISP) provides specifically designed services to meet the needs of more than 800 international students from 72 different nations who are enrolled in academic programs at the undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level.

CISP provides a variety of services to international students and international visitors to foster a positive learning experience for both their academic and personal growth.

Arrival. CISP provides an airport pickup service for first-semester international students. Students notify CISP with their arrival information submitted via the Arrival Form that students receive with their I-20 or DS2019. The Arrival Form is also available for download from the CISP website and can be e-mailed to CISP at intadvisor@csuohio.edu, or faxed to CISP at 216-687-3965. Another option is to fill out and submit the Arrival Form online at the CISP website. A CISP representative will meet the student at the airport or other transit station.

Orientation. CISP conducts a mandatory orientation at the beginning of each academic term. The orientation takes place approximately 10 days before the term begins. These programs address important issues which new international students face such as adjustment, language difficulties, safety, housing, immigration regulations, and university academic policies and procedures.

Individual Advising. Advising services include personal, academic, and cross-cultural advising. Advising is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis for short-term assistance.

Immigration Advising. CISP provides immigration advising for students on F-l and J-l visas. Questions concerning student visas, duration of status, practical training, and on-campus and off-campus work permission are among the topics covered. The center also conducts weekly work permission seminars.

Academic Advising. For students who face academic difficulty, academic advising is available. This advising is meant to assist students with difficulties not addressed by academic departments on campus. Students who face academic dismissal are advised on how to strategically complete their remaining coursework and on the immigration implications they may face.

Social Programming. International students at Cleveland State have many opportunities for social interaction with American students, fellow nationals, and individuals from many countries.

International Day. Each fall, the international students on campus unite to celebrate International Day, a part of International Education Week, which is celebrated around the world. Numerous nationality groups participate in bringing a day of cultural exchanges, through ethnic food, music, and authentic dance performances. The event is organized by CISP.

International Student Organizations. There are several international student groups on the campus. They represent countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. New groups are formed every year. Each nationality group on campus is encouraged to establish its own student organization.

LINK Program


The LINK Program is a recruitment and retention effort by the Career Services Center to increase minority student participation in Cleveland State University’s Cooperative Education Program. Students are recruited primarily from Greater Cleveland-area high schools and are offered a wide range of support services while pursuing their degrees at Cleveland State University.

To be eligible for the LINK Program, students must be admitted to the university and submit a written essay, written recommendations, and an oral presentation.

Mentoring and financial support are the dual purposes of the LINK Program. Each student has a peer advisor and LINK Program staff mentor as well as a corporate mentor who provides the student with direct exposure to the professional world of work. Financial support in the freshman year is a combination of financial aid and LINK scholarship support. The student’s co-op wages also provide financial support. Upon completion of the freshman year, LINK students gain career-related work experience through the Cooperative Education Program.

Interested students should call 216-687-2233 or stop by the Career Services Center located in Rhodes Tower West, Room 280.

National Student Exchange


The National Student Exchange (NSE) offers Cleveland State University students the opportunity to take course work at one of approximately 190 participating colleges and universities throughout the United States as well as Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Canada. Students may attend a host institution for up to one calendar year while continuing their progress toward a Cleveland State University degree. Students have the option of paying CSU tuition or the in-state tuition of their exchange school.

The program allows students an opportunity to explore and learn from different regional and cultural perspectives and to broaden their backgrounds, often through courses not available at their home campus. All pre-approved courses will transfer back to Cleveland State.

Eligible students must maintain full-time enrollment before and during exchange, be of at least sophomore status, and have a 2.5 minimum GPA.

The application deadline is February 1 for the following academic year.

Interested students should contact Julie Good at 216-523-7531 or e-mail her at j.a.good88@csuohio.edu. More information is also available at www.nse.org.

TRIO/Student Support Services


The TRIO/Student Support Services (SSS) Program is grant funded through the U.S. Department of Education and has been part of the Cleveland State University Campus for over 43 years. TRIO/SSS works in cooperation with all offices at Cleveland State University and continues to be committed to helping students progress towards graduation and beyond. TRIO/SSS provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to support and motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of TRIO/SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

TRIO/SSS participants have benefited from services such as:

  • Academic Advising
  • Academic Skills Sessions
  • Career Planning Seminars
  • Computer Application Workshops
  • Cultural and Social Enrichment Activities
  • Financial Aid Guidance
  • Financial Literacy Workshops
  • Graduate and Professional School Preparation
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Study Abroad Scholarships
  • Summer Enrichment Program
  • Supplemental Grant Aid (if eligible)
  • Tutorial Services

Eligibility Requirements

  • First generation college student: Neither parent /guardian graduated from a 4-year institution and/or
  • Low-income based on federal income guidelines
  • Enrollment or accepted for enrollment at Cleveland State University
  • U.S. citizen and/or legal permanent resident
  • Demonstrated academic need as determined by TRIO/SSS

If you are interested and want to determine your eligibility, please visit the TRIO/Student Support Services Program website at http://www.csuohio.edu/academic/advising/trio.html or call 216-687-5244.

All services are provided at no cost to participants of the TRIO/Student Support Services Program.

Study Abroad- Center for International Services and Programs


Studying abroad provides students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a foreign learning environment in order to further develop their foreign language skills and/or their understanding of the world and its people. The study abroad staff assists students in identifying study abroad programs that fit their academic and personal goals.

One-to-One Exchanges: A Cleveland State University student can study abroad for a semester or year in Chile (Universidad de Concepción), China (Dalian School of Foreign Languages), England (University of Sunderland), France (ESC Clermont Ferrand or University of Rouen), Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Heidenheim or University of Erlangen-Nuremberg ), South Korea (Chung Ang University), or Sweden (Umeå University) as a part of a direct exchange program. CSU tuition is paid for the term abroad.

Faculty-Led Short-Term Programs: Every year several academic departments offer short-term study abroad programs facilitated by CISP. These programs are led by one faculty director from the department and typically include ten to twenty students. Grades earned on these programs are recorded on the transcript and included in the calculation of the grade point average. Previous programs have traveled to India (Social Work); France, Spain, Mexico (Modern Languages); Netherlands (History); Chile, England,Germany, and Italy (Business).

Independent Programs: CISP will consider applications for direct enrollment in any overseas university as well as abroad programs established by other American colleges and universities. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester, summer, or a year. In most cases, financial aid can be applied for approved study abroad programs and course credits can be transferred in. Grades from these programs are not factored into a students’ CSU academic record.

Work, Intern, Volunteer Abroad: CISP offers internships in Germany for business and engineering majors. The study abroad staff will assist students in identifying and applying to these and other programs.

Scholarships: Students can apply through CISP for study abroad scholarships. Awards range from $200 to $1,000. The Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs also offers a study abroad scholarship for up to $500 for summer study and up to $1,000 for semester or year-long programs. In addition, CISP can assist students with applications for national study abroad scholarship competitions like the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship or a Boren Award.

For further information and to apply to the programs, contact the Study Abroad Manager at the Center for International Services and Programs (CISP) in Main Classroom 106 studyabroad@csuohio.edu Call 216-687-3910, Fax 216-687-3965, or visit http://www.csuohio.edu/international/education-abroad

Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center


The Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center is one of the oldest women’s centers in Ohio. The Center and its staff are dedicated to educating, supporting, encouraging, and inspiring women of all ages in academic pursuits and in life.  The Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center is a welcoming, comfortable, and empowering environment for students to hang-out, study, laugh, and meet others. The center staff offers programs and informational workshops on topics of interest to women of all ages and stages in life. Additionally, the center refers students to both on and off campus resources including the CSU Health & Wellness Center, The Counseling Center, CSU tutoring services, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, Cleveland Food Bank, and more.

For information on the Return to Learn and other Women’s Center programs and services please call or visit https://www.csuohio.edu/womenscenter/womenscenter

Contact information:
CSU Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center
2121 Euclid Avenue, MC 142
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214