Oct 02, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2016 - 2017 
Graduate Catalog 2016 - 2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Actions and Exceptions

The University reserves the right to amend its rules and regulations within the limits commonly accepted by colleges and universities. Students must keep themselves informed of amendments.

Academic Warning and Dismissal

Optional dismissal from, or continued participation with academic warning in a graduate degree, certificate, or licensure program, are recommended by the graduate committee of the  program.

Optional Dismissal

If, in 400- to 800-level courses, a student receives:

  1. one grade of F, or
  2. two grades of less than B, or
  3. two grades of NS,
  4. two grades of U

Then the individual MUST be reviewed by the Graduate Program Committee to determine his or her ability to continue in graduate school. If the Graduate Program Committee determines that dismissal is in order, this recommendation is made to the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies for review and notification of the student.

Academic Warning

If it is determined that the student may continue in the graduate program, the Graduate Program Committee will notify the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and the student, in writing, regarding the grounds under which continuation is possible.

Mandatory Dismissal

If, in 400- to 800-level courses, a student receives:

  1. two F grades, or
  2. accumulates a total of nine credit hours of B- or less grades and has a cumulative grade-point average below 3.0

Then the student will be dismissed automatically from the University by the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies.


An academically dismissed student who is readmitted to the same graduate program, or enters a different graduate program, will again be dismissed by the College of Graduate Studies if the individual receives in 400-800 level courses:

  1. One or more grades of “F” or
  2. Two or more grades of “B-” or less

Programs may impose more stringent grade performance requirements on re-admitted students. Academic performance requirements must be stated clearly in readmission letters that are forwarded to the College of Graduate Studies for consideration.

A graduate student who receives a second academic dismissal is not eligible for further graduate study at the University.

Degree-Seeking Students: Re-Admission Procedures

  • An academically dismissed degree, certificate, or licensure student who has been separated from the University for twelve or more months may request permission to be re-admitted to his or her prior program. Such requests are reviewed and acted upon by the Graduate Program Committee of the unit.
  • An academically dismissed student who has been separated from the University for less than twelve months may petition for early re-admission. Early re-admission petitions must provide an explanation of the factors responsible for the student’s poor academic performance and present a convincing case for why he/she are now prepared to succeed in their studies. The petition should be submitted to the unit’s Graduate Program Committee. The committee shall act on the petition and present a step-by-step academic “game plan” that will lead to the completion of the program. The plan presented must have the full support of the student’s Graduate Program. The petition, recommendations and “game plan” will be presented to the College of Graduate Studies Petitions Committee, whose decision shall be final.
  • Students who seek admission to a program other than the program from which they were academically dismissed are considered new applicants. To initiate consideration of admission to a new program, a student must submit an application for admission to the new graduate program. The Graduate Admissions Office will forward a copy of the student’s admission file to the Program Director of the new program.
  • All graduate students dismissed from the College of Graduate Studies may not be readmitted by submission of an Application for Admission as a Non-Degree Graduate student without approval via the petition process through the College of Graduate Studies Petition’s Committee.

Non-Degree-Seeking Students: Re-Admission Procedures

  • An academically dismissed non-degree student must petition the College of Graduate Studies Petitions Committee for re- admission consideration. Petition forms may be downloaded from the College of Graduate Studies Web site at http://www.csuohio.edu/gradcollege/students/pdf/petitionform.pdf
  • For an academically dismissed Non-Degree Student seeking readmission after one calendar year (12 months) has elapsed, or seeking early readmission before one year has elapsed from the time of dismissal, a recommendation from the Director of the Graduate Program in which the student wishes to take classes is required before action will be taken by the Graduate College Petitions Committee. Re-admission petitions must provide an explanation of the factors responsible for the student’s poor academic performance and present a convincing case for why the person is now prepared to succeed in his/her studies. The petition should be submitted to the unit’s Graduate Program Committee. The committee shall act on the petition and present a step-by-step academic “game plan” that will lead to the completion of the program. The plan presented must have the full support of the student’s Graduate Program. The petition, recommendations and “game plan” should be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies Petitions Committee, whose decision is final.

Academic Reassessment Policy

A degree-seeking graduate student enrolled in the College of Graduate Studies may petition for academic reassessment for prior graduate course work taken at Cleveland State University. For individuals who wish to return to the same graduate degree program, there must be a three-year absence from the University before a reassessment petition can be submitted. The absence from the University can be voluntary on the part of the student or as the result of an academic dismissal. For students who wish to enter a different graduate degree program, and for former non-degree, certificate, and licensure graduate students who wish to enter a graduate degree program, there must be a one-year absence from the University before a petition for academic reassessment can be submitted. Academic reassessment is not available to students who are currently enrolled on a graduate certificate, licensure, or non-degree basis.

If academic reassessment is granted, all previous courses taken and grades received at Cleveland State University as a graduate student, and all transfer and transient credit granted while a graduate student at the University, will not be counted toward:

  1. the number of credit hours taken and earned,
  2. the cumulative grade-point average, and
  3. the provisions for academic dismissal.

All previous academic work remains on the student’s graduate transcript, followed by an “Academic Reassessment” notation. Academic reassessment petitions must have departmental/program-level support in order to be considered by the College of Graduate Studies Petitions Committee. Academic reassessment petitions that do not have departmental/program support are considered by the University Graduate Council. An academic reassessment petition may be granted only once during a student’s graduate career at the University.

Exceptions and Petitions

Students seeking exemption from program requirements and/or regulations must petition their Graduate Program Committee, which acts on such requests and informs the student, the University Registrar, and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies of its decision. Petitions concerning University and College of Graduate Studies requirements and regulations should be initiated through the graduate program advisor and graduate committee for recommendation. They are then forwarded to the Petitions Committee of the College of Graduate Studies for action. Once the College of Graduate Studies committee makes a decision, the student, the program advisor, and the program director are notified, and a notation is placed on the student’s academic record.

Before filing a petition with the College of Graduate Studies, the student should thoroughly review all applicable regulations, so that the presentation is complete and accurate.

Petition Guidelines

The following guidelines must be followed so that petitions can be presented in a way most likely to correctly inform the College of Graduate Studies Petitions Committee. This body conducts the final review of graduate petitions.

When referring to a course, include the course number, title, semester taken, and the instructor’s name. Any petition requesting an exemption from a course requirement, a late withdrawal, or an extension of an incomplete grade must include an instructor’s dated statement. The instructor’s statement MUST include:

  1. information on the student’s attendance and performance in the course;
  2. whether or not the student’s request is supported by the instructor; and
  3. the instructor’s rationale for supporting, or not supporting, the petition.

All requests for action on the grounds of medical, personal, legal, or work-related difficulties, either previous or ongoing, MUST include written documentation of the situation and a dated and signed statement on official letterhead from the appropriate person (attorney, doctor, dentist, employer, etc.). The documentation provided MUST address directly how the difficulties noted had an adverse effect on the student’s academic performance. Without this information/documentation, petitions will be returned to the student without Petitions Committee action.

Please note that the University Graduate Council has determined that poor academic performance on a midterm examination or in other course requirements does not constitute sufficient grounds for granting a student a late withdrawal from a course.

If questions arise in preparing a petition, contact the College of Graduate Studies at (216) 687-9370.

Late Registration

The Academic Calendar contains dates required for courses scheduled in regular and summer sessions. Please see the Academic Calendar for Last Day to Add, Last Day to Drop and Last Day to Withdraw at http://www.csuohio.edu/enrollmentservices/registrar/calendar/

For courses scheduled in alternative sessions, please view the Last Day to Add and Last Day to Drop (Withdraw) dates via CampusNet by viewing your schedule or viewing the course via Class Search. Please note that “The Last Day to Drop” in CampusNet is equivalent to the “Last Day to Withdraw” on the Academic Calendar. Alternatively scheduled courses dropped up to and through this date will result in a grade of W unless dropped within the first 10% of the course (ie. within 5 days of a 50 day course, including weekends and holidays). For the summer term, there are multiple sessions with different late registration deadlines. All deadline dates may be found on the Academic Calendar. Graduate students may register late for courses with instructor and program advisor approval, using the Graduate Student Late Registration/Add Form. Proof of Payment must accompany the registration. This form becomes invalid after the Last Day to Withdraw(Drop for ALT).

After the last day to withdraw, requests for Late Enrollment/Adds will not be accepted by Campus 411 after posted calendar deadlines. After posted deadlines, requests to late register/add will only be considered through a petition to the College of Graduate Studies. The Graduate College Petitions Committee will only consider requests where the student can show that demonstrable administrative error on the part of the University was responsible for her/his failure to register before posted deadlines. Late Registration Forms are available at the Campus411 Office and the College of Graduate Studies. The forms also may be downloaded from http://www.csuohio.edu/gradcollege/students/forms/index.html