Feb 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2019 - 2020 
Undergraduate Catalog 2019 - 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Student Affairs

Student Engagement

Student Life

Student Center 319

At Cleveland State University we provide a wide array of campus wide programs for students to enjoy outside the classroom. Frequently sponsored by Campus Life or the Campus Activities Board those events include social events, lectures, dances, holiday celebrations, cultural festivals, and concerts. Some examples are Welcome Week, Camp Vike, Magnus Fest, Glow Party, CABsino, Springfest, Homecoming, Family Weekend, and many more. If you are interested in volunteering to help plan these events, or if you want more information about attending them, contact the Student Life staff at (216) 687-2048 or email at studentlife@csuohio.edu. Most events are free with your CSU Student ID.

Student Events & Activities

The City is our Campus Ticket Program

Student Center 319

The city is YOUR campus so take advantage of all the engaging opportunities Cleveland offers by purchasing discounted tickets with your CSU Student ID. Please check out our current semester calendar of events on our website. Any questions about upcoming ticket sales can be directed to cityisourcampus@csuohio.edu. If you have suggestions for a future ticket sale don’t hesitate to email, suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!  

Campus Activities Board

Student Center 332

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student organization whose primary function is to plan and facilitate cultural, social, recreational, and educational events for the CSU community. Annually they plan around 70 events for campus that include but are not limited to, concerts, comedians, outdoor festivals, cultural celebrations, movie nights, and everything in-between. CAB is responsive to student interests, with a primary goal of fostering campus community and unity.

CAB is always looking for students to assist with events and also have several leadership opportunities available for students. If you are interested in joining CAB or have a question for them they can be reached at cab@csuohio.edu. You can also fill out there “work with us” tab on their website and the Vice President will be in touch. Feel free to stop by their office, SC 332 to learn more about the organization.

Center for Student Activities and Involvement

Student Center 343

Located in the Student Center, room 343, The Center for Student Activities and Involvement (CSAI) is a unit in the Department of Student Life within the Division of Student Affairs. Our priority is to cultivate an environment for building a vibrant, engaging community through leadership development, programming, and learning opportunities.

At CSAI, we directly support all Cleveland State Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), oversee the Fraternity & Sorority Community, support Leadership Development programs, advise the General Fee Advisory Committee (GFAC), and manage the Jeffrey A. Kalista Student Organization Center Office Suite.

The Center for Student Activities and Involvement is the university’s go to place for students wanting to get involved on campus, serve the community, and develop their leadership skills. Research demonstrates that students who are active participants in the life of the institution are much more likely to persist and have successful academic careers. Getting involved in campus life provides students the opportunity to build connections with fellow students, faculty and staff and to develop lifelong friends and mentors. CSI provides a plethora of outstanding opportunities for students to “Get Involved”, no matter what their interests are throughout their time pursuing their dreams at Cleveland State.

Student Organizations

Cleveland State students possess the ability to engage in multiple interests. There are over 200 student organizations on campus recognized by the Center for Student Activities & Involvement that enrich the social, cultural and educational experiences of CSU students. In general, the clubs and organizations at CSU span the following areas:

  • Academic
  • Professional & Honorary
  • Cultural & Ethnic
  • Athletic & Club Sports
  • Fraternity & Sorority
  • Leadership & Governing
  • Media
  • Political
  • Religious & Faith Based
  • Special Interest

List of Recognized Student Organizations

As part of the annual renewal process, all Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) at CSU must be registered in our online system. To search for student organizations, simply go to: www.csuohio.edu/student-involvement/student-organizations-1.

Student Media

Student publications provide students with excellent opportunities for experience in writing and editing a literary magazine or newspaper. These publications are financed in part by general fees and are edited by students who are selected by the publication staff members. Publications include:

The Cauldron, a newspaper offering news, sports, culture, and opinions that impact CSU students and the surrounding community. Students are needed as writers, editors, photographers, advertising reps, and more. 216-687-2270. The Cauldron office is located in BH 470.

The Vindicator, a monthly multicultural magazine presenting in-depth articles, news and opinions about our diverse campus and Cleveland community. Students are needed as writers, editors, photographers, advertising reps, and more. The Vindicator office is located in BH 472.

The Gavel, Cleveland-Marshall’s award-winning monthly newspaper covering the issues that affect law students at CSU. The Gavel office is located in the Law Building, room 13.

WCSB Radio Station, In addition to the publications, CSU also boasts WCSB 89.3 FM, the student-run radio station. For over 40 years, WCSB has offered the Cleveland community a wide variety of alternative music programming, ranging from indie rock to classical, reggae to fusion and anything else not found on commercial radio. In addition to music, WCSB airs a variety of public affairs shows offering insight into the issues of the day. Students interested in alternative programming are encouraged to apply, www.wcsb.org. WCSB is located on the fourth floor of the Cole Center, 3100 Chester Avenue.

Student Government Association

Student Center 217 & 218

The Cleveland State University Student Government Association provides an open forum for students to formulate their beliefs and voice their concerns to the University Board of Trustees, administration and faculty. SGA also offers funding to CSU student organizations and selects students to serve on university committees. Student Government offices are located in SC 217 & 218, stop by and see them.

Service/Volunteer Program

Viking Expeditions is a student-led service organization that partners with a variety of agencies in the Greater Cleveland area to address the needs of the local community. VE provides Cleveland State University students with both national and international service opportunities by offering affordable alternative break trips around the globe. The goal of these trips is to give students valuable life experiences while broadening their worldview. Viking Expeditions office is located in the Student Center, room 338. They can be reached at vikingexpeditions@csuohio.edu.

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Student Center 343

CSU is proud to host a community comprised of several national collegiate fraternal organizations that stress the mission and vision of the American Fraternity Movement. It is our sincere hope that you will become part of our future and leave your legacy at CSU.

Members of the Fraternity & Sorority Community at Cleveland State create smaller communities within the larger university environment and are committed to the basic principles of membership within the American Fraternity Movement:

  • Leadership Development
  • Academic Excellence
  • Community Service & Philanthropy
  • A Home Away from Home
  • Brotherhood & Sisterhood
  • Learning outside of the classroom
  • Spiritual, Intellectual, & Social Growth & Development
  • Alumni Involvement

Building lifelong friendships through collaborative and meaningful relationships is also a major component to the fraternity and sorority experience at Cleveland State.

Leadership Program

The Center for Student Activities & Involvement offers several leadership development opportunities to student organization officers and any student wishing to expand their leadership skills. Current semester events can be found at www.csuohio.edu/student-involvement/leadership-programs-0 or contact studentlife@csuohio.edu for more information.

Student Center

Located on Euclid Avenue between East 21st and 22nd streets, the CSU Student Center is the centerpiece of CSU’s $500 million campus makeover. The building is one of the final design projects by the late Charles Gwathmey, award-winning New York architect and is three-stories with a predominately glass exterior, a multi-level atrium and a central public forum. It contains scrolling LED message boards, wireless interconnectivity, Internet access, digital displays and cable flat screen televisions.

The Student Center is home to all 200+ student organizations and activities, including the Student Government Association, Campus Activities Board, The Department of Student Life, Conference Services, and Viking Outfitters & Bookstore. It also contains a 6,000-square-foot ballroom, food court, cafeteria, convenience store, pub and coffee shop. There is a computer loan station and lounge; several gathering lounges, including one for commuter students, two indoor fireplaces and multiple exterior patios.

Student Wellbeing

Counseling Center

Union Building, 1836 Euclid Ave 220

The Counseling Center aims to support and empower our diverse student community by providing confidential psychological services, including: individual, couples, and group counseling; psychiatry (diagnosis and medication prescription); career and psychological assessment; workshops and trainings; and consultation. We provide free short-term therapy, crisis counseling, and referrals for long-term or specialized care. To get started with us, just call to schedule a telephone screening or walk-in for crisis counseling, Monday-Friday 1:00 - 3:00. After hours phone counseling is also available.

Health & Wellness Services


Health & Wellness Services offers confidential health-care services to all students, faculty, and staff of the Cleveland State University community. The clinic is staffed by nurse practitioners and physicians. We provide care for most problems for which you would see your family physician, including blood tests, immunizations, allergy shots, and other laboratory tests. Health-care needs such as sore throats, upper respiratory infections, bladder and gynecological problems and skin concerns can be evaluated and treated. If problems are outside our area of expertise, referrals will be made.

Counseling regarding health concerns such as diet, exercise, activities of daily living, and smoking cessation are also addressed. Wellness programming is conducted throughout the year.  Contraceptive services are available and sexually transmitted infections are evaluated and treated. The staff will be glad to discuss your health concerns and are available for consultation.

Services are available by appointment. We have a same-day system for individuals who are acutely ill. Appointments may be scheduled for that day by calling 216-687-3649 at 8:00 a.m. Health & Wellness Services is located in IM 205. Hours during the academic year are 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. Summer and break hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Health & Wellness Services coordinates the Student Health Insurance program. Our goal is to offer the best possible health insurance coverage from an outside provider for the best price. We serve as the gatekeeper for students who purchase the student health insurance. In order for non-emergency visits to be covered, a referral from Health & Wellness Services is required, which helps keep the premium low for students. For more information about the student health insurance program, contact CSU Health & Wellness Services at 216-687-3649. To schedule an appointment at Health and Wellness Services call 216-687-3649.

Emergency and infirmary care is provided by area hospitals.



Cleveland State University is committed to providing support to students and need, and to promoting a culture where the reporting of these concerns is encouraged.

Mission Statement: The goal of the Care Manager is to provide holistic support to members of the CSU community, to connect students with resources on and off-campus, and to increase collaboration between campus partners.

What to Expect: The Care Manager provides support and case management services for members of the CSU Community. The Care Manager works with students to develop an action plan to address their individual needs. The Care Manager can help navigate policies and procedures on campus, connect with support systems, and determine what resources might be most helpful.

Lift Up Vikes!

Recreation Center 168

Lift Up Vikes! Resource Center & Food Pantry (Recreation Center 168) connects students with food and other basic needs so they can focus on school and progress toward graduation. The program is open to all CSU students, with an emphasis on food- and housing-insecure students. Students can visit the Pantry weekly to receive fresh food and personal care items as well as connect with other resources. For a full list of programs and services, please call 216.687.5105 or visit www.csuohio.edu/liftupvikes. Not sure if we can help? Ask!

Student Resources & Services

Student Advocacy

Judicial Affairs

Student Center 319

The Judicial Affairs Office helps to support a safe environment for the entire campus community, through the Board of Trustee-approved policies called the Student Conduct Code. The Student Conduct Code thoroughly explains the due process procedures for incidents that violate University policies.

Career Services

Rhodes West 280

Career Services assists you from your first day on campus until your last. No matter your year in school (or how many years ago you graduated), it is important to have the right tools, resources, and strategies to help you make the most of your Cleveland State experience as you move to the world of work. Our career planning process will help contribute to your success at Cleveland State and beyond.

You’ve taken dozens of selfies, but do you know yourself?

In order to have both a successful experience at Cleveland State and post-graduation, it is essential for students to know and understand their own values and interests, how their coursework applies to the world of work, and how to articulate their strengths and experiences. The staff of Career Services staff is passionate about partnering with students to help them develop and understand their unique talent they bring to the workplace.

It’s a simple, two-step process:

  1. Come in and meet with any of our Career Peers to:
  • Get thoughtful advice on your resume
  • Receive assistance navigating Hire A Vike, our internal job board, where you’ll find hundreds of internship and job opportunities.
  1. Then, schedule an appointment with our professional staff to assess where you are in your career and professional planning process:
  • Outline your steps for exploring different careers
  • Find out how to do a job search
  • Understand the power of your own story and practice your 30-second elevator pitch
  • Learn about your social capital, then schedule informational interviews
  • Prepare for that actual interview by scheduling a mock interview to practice those critical skills

We also host events that help you build your professional skills:

Resume Rx

“Don’t sweat the small stuff” is sage advice for handling many situations in life. But you can safely toss that adage out the window when it comes time to writing or updating your resume. That’s because every single word counts. Come see us - and area employers! - to receive critical feedback on your resume and “elevator pitch”.

Mock Interview Days

Do you know how to introduce yourself beyond your major? Do you know how to talk about your strengths and answer challenging, behavior-based questions? Cleveland State’s Mock Interview Day allows you to receive real-life interview experience in a safe, practice setting with top area employers!

Career Fairs

Current CSU students and alumni are invited to meet with local employers looking to hire for jobs, internships, and co-ops at our exclusive job fairs! Held twice a year (once in fall, once in spring), our career fairs connect CSU students to hundreds of NE Ohio area employers.

Disability Services

Rhodes West 210
216-687-2015 or 216-687-3633 (V/TTY)

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at Cleveland State University serves students with a variety of disabilities, including, but not limited to: learning disabilities, chronic health issues, psychological conditions, hearing impairments, mobility impairments, Attention Deficit Disorders, and visual impairments.

Students who wish to request accommodations through ODS must have a documented disability and be registered through the office. Accommodations are individualized and depend upon student needs and course requirements. Some common accommodations include recording lectures, extended time on exams, and taking exams in a distraction-reduced space. Students registered through ODS are able to utilize the Assistive Technology Lab and may request alternative text for their books.

Cleveland State University’s campus is accessible.

The Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center

Berkman Hall 142

The Mareyjoyce Green Women’s Center is dedicated to cultivating a culture of equity for women of the CSU community through programs and services that educate, empower, support and inspire. The Women’s Center serves the entire CSU Community, with an emphasis on women, student-parents and returning learners. We’re the go-to place to meet new people, study, hang out, connect with on and off-campus resources, learn what CSU has to offer, learn something new and so much more. We’re for broadening horizons, equal pay, fresh starts, overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, becoming a Viking and realizing your potential. Not sure if we can help you? Ask! For information on Women’s Center programs and services please call 216.687.4674 or visit: www.csuohio.edu/womenscenter

Veteran Student Success Program

Trinity Commons
2254 Euclid Ave

Known as The Viking Vets, the Veteran Student Success Program serves over 500 veterans attending Cleveland State University and provide the following services to all veterans, service-members and military families attending CSU:

  • Admissions assistance and counseling
  • VA benefits (including the GI Bill) counseling and access to VA services in northeast Ohio
  • Assistance to those serving with class concerns arising from deployment, ADT and even IDT
  • Tutoring - one on one academic tutoring from other veterans attending CSU
  • A Dayroom - the veterans lounge includes a separate computer room, quiet study/tutoring room and the VA VetSuccess Counselor
  • A veteran student staff that can assist with any concern or can find those who can assist
  • VA VetSuccess Counselor - in-house VA benefits specialist (a VA employee)
  • Veterans Certifying Official
  • Counseling services as needed - either using campus programs or referrals to the VA
  • A chapter of the Student Veterans of America (SVA)
  • Mentoring program to help with the transition from the military to higher education and eventual fulfilling careers

LGBTQ+ Student Services

Berkman Hall 211

LGBTQ+ Student Services is committed to enhancing the overall educational experience of the CSU community. We provide resources, support, and educational programming that promotes the academic and personal growth and development of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning students and their allies, work to assure unrestricted access to and full involvement in all aspects of CSU, and strive to create a more inclusive and welcoming campus climate for all students.

Why the (+)? The plus (+) in our name ensures that we will always be inclusive of all identities to make our community feel welcomed and that nobody is left out. We make it a goal to not have a closed focus mind of the continuing ways people define themselves as. And yes, allies are welcome!

Commuter Student Services 

Student Center 350

Commuter students can use the Commuter Corner, located in the Student Center, room 350. It’s a place to keep your lunch (refrigerator) and heat it up (microwave), to study or relax, or just hang with your friends and play video games! The Commuter Corner is open during the fall and spring semesters from 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Viking Parent & Family Club

Student Center 319

Family members play a vital role in the academic success of their students. To assist family members in their transition, we offer the following services:

Family Weekend: Join us for a weekend of activities to celebrate all the wonderful things about being a Viking. Family Weekend occurs annually in the Spring semester. 
Family Orientation: Join your student when they attend Orientation and attend sessions designed especially for family members

Testing Services

Rhodes Tower West 215

Testing Services supports CSU students and faculty by offering placement testing, test scoring services, and accommodated testing for students with disabilities. Test preparation courses, proctoring services, and standardized testing for admission and certification are also available. Please note that all testing appointments must be scheduled in advance.

Hours: 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday.