Feb 10, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2021 - 2022 
Graduate Catalog 2021 - 2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Resources

Research Facilities

Basic and applied research is central to the University’s mission and is an integral part of graduate and professional education. The purpose of research is to advance knowledge in a discipline, subject area, or field; to fill significant gaps in such knowledge; to devise new modes or means of expression; and to develop new perspectives in the sciences, arts, and humanities. Faculty members at Cleveland State University have built and continue to expand a solid reputation for quality research by attracting highly qualified graduate students and by garnering significant new external research funding. The University maintains that research and teaching are not only symbiotic but are also the focus of quality graduate education.

To encourage student and faculty research, the University provides a complete range of support facilities, including a University library with a strong emphasis on computerized information services, computer laboratories, access to the Ohio Supercomputer Center, animal care facilities, and specialized research facilities within academic departments.

Research Collaborations

The University maintains a variety of research links with the Northeast Ohio community. Local and regional businesses and institutions share financial resources, personnel, and facilities with Cleveland State faculty and students for the purpose of research. The University’s ties to the institutions below are important examples of partnerships that enhance specific graduate degree programs.

  • The Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute is an equal partner in the research offerings and administration of three Cleveland State University doctoral programs: the Ph.D. in Regulatory Biology, the Ph.D. in Clinical-Bioanalytical Chemistry, and the Ph.D. in Engineering specialization in Applied Biomedical Engineering. This strategic inter-institutional partnership provides doctoral students with access to major analytical instrumentation facilities in biochemistry, immunology, and molecular biology, as well as to the federally funded laboratories of world-renowned scientists.
  • The NASA Glenn Research Center sponsors basic and applied research at Cleveland State, while the University provides graduate education in engineering and computer science to NASA employees.
  • The Cleveland MetroHealth Medical Center is a partner with Cleveland State University in the education of graduate students in the Speech Pathology program, as well as in the Clinical-Bioanalytical Chemistry Ph.D. program.
  • Case Western Reserve University collaborates with Cleveland State University in the areas of biomedical research, cooperative doctoral and professional graduate programs, and faculty enrichment opportunities. The collaboration includes reciprocal library privileges for faculty and students at both universities.
  • The Ohio Urban University Program. Cleveland State University is the flagship member of the Northeast Ohio Research Consortium which is a cooperative initiative of Northeast Ohio’s public universities, providing research and technical assistance to the region, as well as numerous opportunities for graduate student research in public administration and urban studies programs.

Research Centers

For a complete listing see http://www.csuohio.edu/research/research-centers-and-institutes

Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease

The Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD) focuses on research to improve the understanding of biological processes and how the malfunction of these processes results in various diseases. This research has significant potential to improve our understanding of the mechanisms and specific molecules that control reproductive health and those that control the aging process. The Center’s research has implications for the diagnosis and treatment of many of the most common diseases found around the world, including heart disease, neurological disease, infectious disease, and cancer.

Center for Human-Machine Systems

The Center for Human-Machine Systems (CHMS) aims to improve health and performance by combining the unique capabilities of engineered and natural subsystems. The Center pursues this goal by providing its members with a collaborative environment and with funding to promote the development of high-quality, externally funded, high-impact research. Research areas include prosthetics, exercise machines, and rehabilitation.

Center for Behavioral Health Sciences

The Center for Behavioral Health Sciences (CBHS) aims to improve mental health and addiction outcomes for individuals and families, thereby enhancing community well-being. The Center pursues this goal by providing faculty affiliates with a collaborative environment to promote high-quality and well-funded interdisciplinary research to develop empirical knowledge related to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental illness, addiction, and behavioral health concerns.

Center for Community Planning and Development

The mission of the Center is to strengthen the practice of planning and community development through independent research, technical assistance, and civic education and engagement. The Center works in partnership with public, private and non-profit organizations, local governments, and development and planning professionals. The director of the Center is Dr. Candi Clouse. Affiliated faculty include Dr. Wendy Kellogg, Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Studies, and Department Chair/ Associate Dean of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs and Dr. Brian Mikelbank, Associate Professor.

Center for Economic Development

The mission of the Center is to strengthen the practice of planning and community development through independent research, technical assistance, and civic education and engagement. The Center works in partnership with public, private and non-profit organizations, local governments, and development and planning professionals.

Northern Ohio Data and Information Service

The Northern Ohio Data and Information Service (NODIS) is a Census Bureau affiliate. It provides census and other data resources to the public. It also provides mapping and GIS services, data, and training. Services include standard and customized community profiles, demographic analysis, census tract look-up guides, demographic and environmental mapping, geocoding, and database and website development. GIS training includes ESRI certified instruction, as well as MapInfo workshops and customized training. Named as one of the three regional data centers in the state by the State of Ohio and the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 1981, NODIS has decades of experience in demographic and geographic data dissemination and analysis.

Ohio Center for the Advancement of Women in Public Service

The Ohio Center for the Advancement of Women in Public Service is an initiative founded to promote the advancement of careers of women in public service within the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government at the national, state, and local levels. Key functions of the Center include research on the state of women’s careers in public service, identifying barriers to the movement of women into positions of authority and leadership, and devising strategies to address these barriers.

Center for Public and Nonprofit Management

The Center for Public and Nonprofit Management (CPNM) integrates several functions within the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. The Center connects professional development, student enrichment, and faculty engagement in the areas of leadership development, management training, technical assistance, and research for the public and nonprofit sectors in Northeast Ohio. 

Educational Centers

Writing Center

Home: http://www.csuohio.edu/writing-center/writing-center
For writing handouts: http://www.csuohio.edu/writing-center/writing-center-2
To make an appointment: https://www.csuohio.edu/writing-center/writing-appointments

The Writing Center is located in the Library in Rhodes Tower 124. The Writing Center provides assistance to all members of the university community, including graduate students. Through consultations, tutoring, and workshops (in-person and online), the Center can respond to any questions about writing, including generating ideas, drafting and revising papers, improving writing styles, and handling technical details of grammar, documentation, and formatting. Our WAC website has many handouts available on all aspects of academic writing. We offer scheduled, drop-in, and online tutoring (see third link above).  

Center for Faculty Excellence


The Center for Faculty Excellence fosters faculty excellence through innovative teaching and leadership to create engaged student success. Using a range of individualized, and group services we work with faculty to develop their talent and advance their outcomes, processes and engagement with CSU students, their careers and the University. For additional information, please contact the Center for Faculty Excellence, BH 212 (216) 687-5502, cfe@csuohio.edu.

Michael Schwartz Library

We bring people and information together! 

Whether you need to consult a librarian for research help, write a paper, borrow a textbook, collaborate with classmates, connect to online resources, practice a presentation, or find the perfect study space, the Michael Schwartz Library is the place to get things done. Knowledgeable library staff members are always available to help students become proficient information users and fulfill academic and research needs. 

Visit the library (located within Rhodes Tower) in person, access library resources online (https://library.csuohio.edu/) or call (216-687-5300), and discover how the library supports student learning. When classes are in session during fall and spring semesters, library hours are typically Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Hours for weekends, summer sessions, holidays, and other exceptional days are posted on the library website.


The library offers the best of contemporary and traditional research tools with a large collection of online materials including 363,097 e-books, over 86,243 electronic journal titles, over 148,710 digital media holdings, and 256 research databases that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The on-site collection includes more than 685,100 print volumes, sound recordings, video recordings, DVDs, and microforms. You are sure to find what you need to write term papers, complete course assignments, and conduct other research. For easy access to the most relevant information resources for a specific subject, consult the Research Guides (https://researchguides.csuohio.edu/).

As a member of OhioLINK, a consortium of 117 member libraries that includes the State Library of Ohio, students can request books from a statewide collection of over 44 million books and other library materials, over 33 million electronic journal articles and over 200,000 e-books, and over 85,000 rare, scholarly and historical records. For items not in OhioLINK, Interlibrary Loan (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/ill/index.html) allows access to an unlimited number of library books and journals owned by other libraries in Ohio, the country, and the rest of the world.

Electronic Course Reserves (ECR) (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/ecr.html) conveniently brings together in one place, thousands of items that faculty members have selected each semester to supplement classes. Faculty members distribute ECR passwords with their course materials. The library has also made a limited selection of required textbooks available online through ECR.

The Textbook Center (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/textbooks.html) on the first floor of the Library at the User Services desk, offers a limited selection of required print textbooks. CSU Students with a valid VikingCard may borrow these textbooks to use in the Library for 2-hour loan.

Special Collections (https://library.csuohio.edu/speccoll/) covers various topics but focuses on primary research materials for the study of the economic, cultural, social, and political history of Cleveland, northeastern Ohio, and the Great Lakes region. Many of these special collections are available online (https://www.clevelandmemory.org/) through the Cleveland Memory Project.

Library Services

Stop at the User Services Center (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/circulation.html), conveniently located at the library’s main entrance, for assistance finding your way around the library. The friendly staff will help you locate the services you need. Students can use their Viking Cards to check out materials and pick up items borrowed from other libraries.

For assistance with selecting and using information resources, subject specialists and reference librarians can offer one-on-one expert advice. Consult the Ask Your Personal Librarian web page (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/librarians.html) to schedule an appointment with a subject specialist. For walk-in assistance, visit the Reference Center located in the library’s Learning Commons. You can also contact one of these information professionals by phone (216-687-5300), by chat using the Ask Us! tab on the library’s website, or by email using the convenient online reference question form (https://library.csuohio.edu/services/ask/email.html). Instruction librarians provide group or class instruction for many undergraduate and graduate classes. During these sessions students learn to find and use information more effectively and responsibly by utilizing various resources available through the library, employing search strategies, and evaluating information found in their searches.

The library’s website (https://library.csuohio.edu/) is the research starting point for access to thousands of online journal articles, e-books, research databases, and the virtual reference desk. Bookmark the library’s website and use it as a first choice when looking for information pertaining to coursework and research.

Students completing multimedia, multimodal, or digital projects can consult staff in the Digital Design Studio (DDS), located on the library’s third floor, for assistance finding and using the right tools and resources to complete the job. In addition to providing access to various software and loanable hardware, staff in the DDS can help students work through digital projects from planning to execution. Faculty interested in multimedia and digital projects for their classes can also inquire with Digital Design Studio staff about how they can be supported. Contact the DDS by phone (216-687-9337), stop in, or find more information on the web page (https://library.csuohio.edu/mms/).

Library Facilities

The Reference Center in the Library Learning Commons is the best place to start a research project. Librarians are available to help with coursework and research involving information resources. The area provides 130 computer workstations where students can access online resources, work on assignments, and use their print accounts. The campus wireless network is available throughout the library.

The Library Computers@Learning Commons (LCLC) instruction rooms are also located near the Reference Center. These labs contain an additional 60 computers. When not in use for classes, these labs provide additional computers for student use.

Quiet Study spaces can be found on both the second and third floors. There are 55 silent study rooms with key card locks (40 at the east end of the second floor and 15 in the Digital Design Studio on the third floor) available to CSU students with valid CSU IDs. The fourth floor has been designed for Group Study and features rolling whiteboards and study tables with electrical outlets for charging laptops and other portable devices. Rentable, locked study carrels on the second and fourth floors of the library are provided for CSU students, subject to availability. The standard rental fee is currently $50 for six months.

Five popular new group study rooms are located in the Virginia McFrederick Group Study Center near the User Services Desk on the library’s first floor. Room keys may be checked out for two hours by groups of two or more CSU students studying for currently offered classes. Each room contains whiteboards, tables, and flexible seating.

Five smaller group project rooms on the east end of the first floor can accommodate up to 4 students each and include 42” LCD monitors and hardware that allows you to share local and online content from up to 4 connected laptops.

The library Connection Lounges, located on the first floor just west of the User Services Center and south of the Assistive Technology Lab, provide places to relax, read the latest news, and browse current popular books. These contemporary and inviting spaces have comfortable lounge chairs, electrical outlets and WiFi connections, and popular reading materials courtesy of Cleveland Public Library. Don’t have a public library card? No problem! Students can apply for the Greater Access card at the User Services Center.

The Digital Design Studio (DDS) (https://library.csuohio.edu/mms/index.html), located on the third floor of the library, features both PCs and iMac computers, scanners for use in scanning text or images, as well as a wide range of software that allows students to edit audio and video files, design multimedia projects, create graphics and PowerPoint presentations, listen to music for a class, watch a video or a webcast, and take media-based tests, including the Adobe Creative Cloud. The DDS also circulates audio and video material, resources for coursework, and a limited amount of digital video and still cameras, audio recorders and microphones, and other production equipment to students for use in producing media-rich assignments. Contact the DDS by phone (216-687-9337) or stop in.

Special purpose library spaces may be reserved through DDS as well. Students can rehearse classroom presentations in the library’s Presentation Practice Room in RT 304. The room is equipped with a SmartBoard, PC, document camera, and lectern, and a system that enables students to record videos of their presentations on their own flash drives.

Students may also reserve the library’s Student Collaboration Room (RT 402). This facility accommodates six and contains two large whiteboards and a conference table complete with a 42” LCD monitor that can be used to display information on student laptops or other devices. This room may be booked for a 2-hour session by stopping in at the Digital Design Studio.

Currently enrolled CSU students looking for a place to interview with potential employers in remote locations, or participate in educational projects with colleagues located off-campus, may reserve the Digital Design Studio Skype Room, located in RT 305-I. This room contains an iMac pre-loaded with Skype and FaceTime, but students may use their own laptops if they prefer. The Digital Design Studio also has 15 Silent Study Carrels. Key cards can be checked out for 4 hours at a time at the DDS desk. A key to the Library’s Meditation Room may be borrowed there as well.

Classes meet in the library’s Viewing Room (RT 325) to watch DVDs, videotapes, and even 16mm films in cinema-like surroundings, and in the Writers’ Lab, a 25 seat PC lab located in RT 302. This facility is a joint venture of the First-Year Writing Program and the library designed to provide additional support for students enrolled in First-Year Writing courses. The lab’s primary use is for computer-assisted instruction for developmental writing students; however, the lab is open and available to all writing teachers and students. The lab is also used to support library instruction, particularly for First-Year Writing courses.

Call the Reference Desk at 216-687-5300 to request information about any of the facilities, equipment or materials mentioned above.

The Math Emporium is a state-of-the-art learning center where students can interact with adaptive MyMathLab Plus software and a highly skilled instructional team. Students learn through an innovative, engaging, and easy-to-use program designed to help them become comfortable and proficient in basic mathematics.

The Assistive Technology Lab, located on the first floor, serves students with disabilities who have registered with the Office of Disability Services. Students will find a variety of equipment there including adaptive keyboards, ergonomically adjustable furniture, software for dictation, text-to-speech, and a wide variety of other hardware and software. For individuals with visual impairments, the lab is equipped with screen readers, screen magnifiers, scanning programs, Braille embossers, and video magnifiers.

The Michael Schwartz Library offers many additional services and resources and encourages students to visit soon and often so that we can assist you!

Law Library


The Law Library has a strong tradition of service designed to meet the research and instructional needs of students and faculty. The Law Library’s service mission is supported by a collection of over 500,000 volumes, a federal government document depository, 3,100 print and electronic periodicals, and an array of online research tools, including numerous legal and general databases, the OhioLINK catalog and databases, subscriptions, and Internet resources. These materials, with interlibrary loan arrangements and cooperative resource sharing through the Ohio Regional Consortium of Law Libraries, provide Law Library users with access to a wide spectrum of legal research resources.

Information Services and Technology

The Information Services and Technology (IS&T) department is responsible for ensuring that Cleveland State University’s information technology resources are aligned with the strategic priorities of the institution. We ensure that the IT services are dependable, easy to use, cost efficient and functionally sound.

The goal of Information Services and Technology is to support CSU’s core missions of education, research, service and accessibility. We recognize that these can only be achieved by working in partnership with students, faculty, and staff to reach their goals.

IS&T is responsible for developing effective IT policies, procedures, and standards. IS&T strongly advocates the use of and adherence to standards as a key step in providing a scaleable, common, and affordable CSU computing environment.

IS&T strives to deliver customer-focused, quality services, and support products that add value to the overall CSU community.


CampusNet is a user-friendly information system available to students from any computer with an Internet connection, including home computers and campus networked computers. The Internet address for the CampusNet system is: https://campusnet.csuohio.edu/index.jsp.

Using CampusNet, students can register for classes, add and drop classes, and pay their Treasury Services accounts. In addition, CampusNet provides commonly requested student information. A student may view and print his or her Treasury Services account balance, registration schedule, course list, financial-aid award amount, student record information, unofficial transcript, and personal information, such as address and email address.

CampusNet is accessible with your CSU ID and CampusNet Password. Students who do not know their ID or CampusNet Password can contact the Help Desk at 216-687-5050.

IS&T Services

Listed below are a few of the services we provide and more information is available on our website at https://www.csuohio.edu/ist.











                - Email help.desk@csuohio.edu

                - Phone 216-687-5050

International Student Services (CISP)

• International Student, and Scholar Services & Engagement • Education Away • Insitutional Partnerships • Fulbright Advising •

Berkman Hall, Suite 411

The Center for International Services and Programs (CISP) manages eight areas of international education at CSU and is under the Provost Office. The office is composed of the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and International Programs (IP) and is centered around the CISP international education advisors.

The ISSS @ CISP manages and supports 1200 international students from 82 countries by providing specialized services to exchange and degree-seeking students. The ISSS at CISP also provides a variety of services and programs to international students, scholars, family members and visitors to foster a positive learning experience for both academic and professional growth. 

The IP @ CISP manages about 150 students annually who participate in education away experiences through education abroad and national student exchange. The IP @ CISP also manages exchange programs, institutional partnerships, and Fulbright advising. Outgoing domestic and international students are eligible to participate in education away experiences during their CSU academic career.


Arrival & Orientation. F-1 and J-1 students are allowed by Federal Regulations to arrive up to 30 days before the start of classes. Please plan to arrive early enough to get settled in your housing and attend orientation before your classes begin. Please connect with our Orientation Leaders (a group of international student leaders) who are here to assist with your arrival questions. CISP conducts a mandatory orientation at the beginning of each academic term. The orientation takes place between 10 days to a week before the term begins. The purpose of orientation is to provide new students with pertinent information in relation to their new home-away-from-home, academic matters, health and wellness and immigration matters. For more information about orientation: http://www.csuohio.edu/international/international-orientation-0

Advising. The CISP international education advisors are available to support you with personal, academic, immigration and cross-cultural matters. CISP is the only office at CSU with expert knowledge of F, J, and H1-B status, and regularly provides immigration advising for students. Questions concerning student visas, duration of status, practical training, and on-campus and off-campus work permission are among the topics covered. The Center also conducts work permission seminars.

International Engagement. CISP partners with campus and community entities to create opportunities for engagement, learning and cross-cultural communication.  CSU offers multiple opportunities for students to serve in leadership positions and develop strong connections with the community.  Students are able to be leaders through all registered student organizations including international student organizations, as well as through committee work. 


Education Abroad

Studying abroad provides students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a foreign learning environment in order to further develop their academic skills and their understanding of the world and its people. The Center assists students in identifying study abroad programs that fit their academic and personal goals.

Faculty-led Programs: Abroad are offered throughout the year and most offer graduate credit. Programs include study in India (Social Work); Costa Rica, France, Spain, and Mexico (WLC); China (Political Science); England and Paris (Marketing); and Germany (Computer and Information Sciences). Interested students should contact the relevant department or CISP for more information.

Affiliate Programs: A growing number of study abroad programs are available at the graduate level. Please contact the CISP or your program director to determine eligibility and credit transfer options.

Work, Intern, Volunteer Abroad: CISP will assist students in identifying and applying to a variety of non-CSU work volunteer or intern abroad programs. 

Scholarships and Fellowships: There are multiple internal and external scholarships for study abroad.

CISP also assists graduate students with applications to the U.S. Fulbright Program and the Boren Fellowships. These fellowships facilitate research and study abroad in a variety of fields and countries. Planning should begin at least six months before the CSU campus deadline. Information on this and other scholarship competitions is available on the CISP website https://www.csuohio.edu/international/post-graduate-fellowships.


The university has more than 140,000 alumni, most of whom have remained in the Northeast Ohio area to establish careers, give back to the community, and raise their families. At over 1,000 businesses across the country, a Cleveland State graduate is at the helm as founder, chairman, CEO, president, or other top executive.

Graduates of Cleveland State University and its predecessor institutions are represented by the Cleveland State University Alumni Association and its chapters.

The Department of Alumni Affairs works closely with the Alumni Association to jointly develop professional, social, and educational programming that benefits the alumni body as well as the university community. The university magazine, Cleveland State Magazine (http://www.clevelandstatemagazine.com), is published two times a year.

The goal of the alumni office is to generate alumni participation and support in the continuing development of the university. Phone: 216-687-2078. Webpage: http://www.csualumni.com

Campus Support Services

Campus Support Services is a collection of departments which provide quality services to CSU students, faculty, staff and guests. CSS includes the arena, bookstore, digital print services, dining, events and conferences, ID cards, parking, recreation, residence halls, transportation, and more. If you have a question or a suggestion about any of our services, contact us at campussupportserv@csuohio.edu

Living on Campus


Euclid Commons and Fenn Tower are Cleveland State’s on-campus housing communities with 1,000 beds available for interested students. Both residence halls offer fully furnished units, a great location, quiet study areas, and other great amenities that create the right environment for your academic success. All residents participate in a meal plan and all residence hall policies apply to both residence halls.

Fenn Tower is a 19-story high rise facility with fully furnished rooms accommodating 2-4 persons and featuring cable television, high-speed Internet, and some with kitchenettes. In addition to your room, there is a game room with billiards and big-screen television, fitness center, theater room, a complimentary laundry center, and convenience store on site. Incoming students are encouraged to select Fenn Tower, if it is available, for their first year at CSU as it offers the greatest opportunity to meet lots of other students, share experiences, gain academic and personal support during your first year, and get involved on campus. 

Euclid Commons offers apartment-style living with the convenience of a campus meal plan. All fully furnished suites accommodate four persons in private or shared bedrooms with a shared living room and kitchen, and features cable television and high-speed Internet. In addition to your suite, there are study areas, game room, computer lab, and a complimentary laundry center. All students in Euclid Commons are encouraged to get involved at CSU, gain support for their college efforts, and share experiences with suitemates and others.

Requests for information and applications are available from the Department of Residence Life’s website at www.csuohio.edu/reslife or you may call 216-687-5196.

Off-Campus Housing Service

The University does not provide an off-campus housing listing service. Students and their families are encouraged to use online resources and personal referrals from friends and family when seeking an apartment; and advised to carefully review all lease terms and requirements before making a legal commitment by signing any lease. Important note - CSU does not operate any off-campus apartment properties; does not recommend one rental property over another; and is not responsible for any decision that is made to enter into a rental agreement on the part of a student or any person who accesses this website.

Bookstore/Viking Outfitters

Viking Outfitters is the CSU bookstore at 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH in the CSU Student Center. Textbooks and other course materials identified by CSU faculty for your classes may be rented or purchased in the store or through the Viking Outfitters web site with in-store pick-up or delivery available. CSU spirit merchandise and supplies are also available - add to your wardrobe or decorate your room. To purchase items or for more information on store hours and offerings go to: www.bkstr.com/csuohiostore/home/en

Dining on Campus

CSU Dining Services offers a wide variety of dining options on the CSU campus, supports university and individual efforts related to wellness and sustainability, and strives to provide an engaging and enjoyable dining experience for students, faculty, staff and guests. Gain more information at the CSU Dining website: www.dineoncampus.com/csu/

There are numerous campus dining locations which accept cash, credit, Viking Cash or DiningDollars including convenience stores, counter service and table service locations. While on campus, pick up a coffee before class, meet classmates for lunch or order take out. 

Pre-purchased meals [a.k.a. Meal Plans] are also available for residence hall students and for commuter students, students in area apartments, faculty and staff offering a true value over the cash rate at the all-you-care-to-eat buffet in the Student Center, the Viking Marketplace.

Parking on Campus

Pre-paid parking and cash/credit daily parking for CSU campus lots and garages are available to students, faculty, staff and guests. All parking facilities are in easy walking distance to core academic buildings and campus safety escorts may be requested to and from your vehicle and your campus location. The most current rate and availability information is available at: www.csuohio.edu/parking/parking

CSU Parking hangtags are only available for purchase through the parking website and in limited quantities for students, faculty and staff. An individual must provide the license plate number[s] for all vehicles and a photo ID to buy a hangtag. The GREEN prepaid hangtag entitles holders to park in the core of campus at any time; the WHITE prepaid hangtag entitles holders to park in peripheral campus lots; and there are also Evening Use hangtags. Daily Parking may be paid by cash or credit at select locations. There will be an hourly rate and a daily rate for each location providing the greatest flexibility to students and guests.

Viking ID Card

Every Cleveland State University student is provided with an identification card. The Viking Card is the official campus identification card for all CSU students, faculty and staff. It is also your key to programs, services and select buildings across campus. If you wish, you may add cash value to your Viking Card for on-campus purchases. The Viking Card Office is in Berkman Hall. For information on service hours and Viking Cash declining balance options, visit www.csuohio.edu/vcard.

Recreation Center and Services

All CSU students, enrolled in 1 or more academic credit[s] and paying the general fee in their tuition statement, are automatically granted access to the state-of-the-art 110,000 square foot Recreation Center each semester. The building contains a main gym, a multipurpose gym, six studios, several weight training and cardio fitness areas highlighted by a rubberized and turfed functional fitness space, racquetball/squash courts, a 1/10 of a mile indoor running track, and a gaming area with Xbox One and Nintendo Wii. The Recreation Center is connected to the current Physical Education Building, providing convenient access to the swimming pool in the Busbey Natatorium. CSU intramural sports programs and sports clubs are an important part of the recreation services program. For more information on facility, hours and services visit: www.csurec.com.

Residence Halls

Fenn Tower and Euclid Commons are the CSU residence halls with 1,000 beds available to interested students. For more information, refer to Living On Campus or visit: www.csuohio.edu/reslife.

Wolstein Center Arena

The Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Center is the CSU arena - home to Cleveland State University men’s and women’s basketball teams. Students are eligible for complimentary tickets to all home basketball games. The arena presents a schedule of concerts by national touring artists, family shows and charity, community, educational, religious and sporting events. For event information, visit: www.wolsteincenter.com.

Activity Calendar - Meeting Rooms

There is a campus Activity Calendar - check it out at https://csuohio.emscloudservice.com/calendar/MasterCalendar.aspx. When you become involved with a student organization or a study group, you may wish to reserve a classroom or meeting room for an event or group meeting. For more information, visit: www.csuohio.edu/conference-services/conference-services

Facilities Services

The Department of Facilities Services monitors, maintains and improves the campus’ 49 buildings, 21 acres of green space and the overall infrastructure of campus in a way that is economical and sustainable to create a positive environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. The department consists of the offices of Facilities Management, Sustainability, University Architect, and Facilities Services Administration. If you see any building issues on campus give us a call at (216) 687-2500 and one of our staff members will be dispatched to solve your problem as soon as possible. You can also report any building issue online.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education has a long history at Cleveland State University, and we are very proud to offer a variety of courses and workshops through our academic units. Northeast Ohio benefits from CE’s professional development programs and offers local communities the opportunity to gain knowledge, pursue personal enrichment, and obtain licensure or CEU’s.

Please visit our website for more information: http://www.csuohio.edu/ce/

  • Black Studies
  • Business & Technology
  • Confucius Institute
  • Education
  • Health and Human Performance
  • Modern Languages
  • Nursing
  • Social Work
  • Test Prep
  • Urban Affairs - GIS (Geographical Information Systems)