Teacher Licensure
Students preparing to teach will fulfill the requirements for the B.A. in French and the licensure sequence in the College of Education and Human Services for the Education, Foreign Language, Grades PreK to 12 (French or Spanish), with Multi-age Licensure .
Students seeking a B.A. in French with teaching licensure must, in fulfilling the major requirements, take FRN 315 Phonetics and complete a minimum of 9 credits at the 400 level.
The PreK-12 licensure sequence includes courses in elementary and secondary foreign-language methods. Students will need to follow the sequence as described in the College of Education and Human Services section. See also Education, Foreign Language, Grades PreK to 12 (French or Spanish), with Multi-age Licensure .
Before admission to student teaching, students must take the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE), demonstrate oral and writing proficiency at the ACTFL “Advanced-Low” level through official Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), both administered by ACTFL. Students will need to have their skill level assessed as early as possible in the program and then work with their advisers to plan study experiences that provide appropriate opportunities for improvement. Modern Language methods courses must be completed during the semester preceding student teaching.
Honors Program/University Scholars Requirements
The following requirements apply to students accepted into the University Honors College who are earning a B.A. degree in French or Spanish:
Honors/Scholars students will be required to take a course on methodology or critical theory. Spanish students should enroll in the Spanish research methods courses, SPN 493. French students should take one of the following: ENG 360 Studies in Literary Criticism, ENG 363 Gender Issues, ENG 382 Canonicity, HIS 601 methods of Historical Research, HIS 695 Research Seminar in American, European, or Social History, or SPN 493 Spanish Research Methods. A similar course may be substituted for those listed above with permission of the Honors/Scholars advisor in the department. It is recommended that students enroll in this course in their junior year if possible, to prepare them for the research they will conduct during their senior year.
Honors/Scholars students will take two 300 or 400 level content courses in their major as “contract honors courses.” These may be required or elective courses such as special topics courses taught in the language, and can include course taught as part of a study abroad program. Contract courses involve contracting with the instructor to do additional work (on a term paper, for example) that demonstrates a more in depth, rigorous, and analytical approach to the topic, similar to what is expected at the graduate level. Language skills classes (301, 302 or 402) are exempted.
Honors/Scholars students will complete a 3 credit independent study honors project. The project will result in a well researched and well written paper that shows critical thinking and application of critical methods. In addition to the written paper, Honors/Scholars students will be required to make an oral presentation of their project to a group of faculty and students. Students will be expected to submit an initial proposal to their advisor at the end of their junior year. Once the proposal is approved, they should begin researching their project. A completed project is due at the end of their final semester along with an oral presentation on the project. Projects may be researched as part of a study abroad program with permission of the department’s Honors/Scholars advisor.
We expect Honors/Scholars students to serve as positive role models and mentors, and to demonstrate leadership qualities that set them apart from most regular students. To that end, Honors/Scholars students will be required to complete two credits of service learning or community involvement activities that relate to their major language. Theses activities can take place on campus, in the community or as part of a study abroad program. Students will contract with their advisor for the type and number of activities to fulfill this requirement, along with an appropriate assessment mechanism (i.e. keeping a log or journal of activities, writing a final summary paper). Acceptable activities include (but are not limited to):
· Tutoring lower-level language students
· Participating in student language clubs in a leadership capacity
· Volunteering to help with language-related activities such as lecture or film series, or a conference
· Organize activities such as a field trip to a museum, art gallery, concert, film, local ethnic restaurant, etc.
With the addition of the methods/criticism course and service learning component, Honors/Scholars students will be expected to earn 5 credits above the required 36 credits for the major. The Senior Honors project will count as elective credit that is part of the 36 credits required for the major.