Department of Mathematics
Rhodes Tower 1515
(216) 687-4680
Ivan Soprunov, Chair
Jonathan Scott, Graduate Program Director
Areas of Study
Master of Science
Master of Science with a Specialization in Applied Statistics
The demand for people trained in mathematics and statistics will continue to grow because of the central role of both fields in science, engineering, health, and business.
The Master of Science in Mathematics is designed to provide a variety of graduate level mathematical options for students interested in a deeper understanding of theoretical and applied mathematics. Students graduating with this degree often pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics, teach secondary school mathematics, or seek employment as an actuary or analyst.
The Master of Science in Mathematics with the Specialization in Applied Statistics provides students with a broad background in applied statistical methodology. Graduates from this program find employment in Northeast Ohio and beyond as statistical analysts. Statisticians work in both government, industry, and business.
Faculty Research
Mathematics faculty members are active in many areas of research in pure and applied mathematics, including algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, applied mathematics (especially numerical analysis, mathematical biology, ordinary and partial differential equations, and fluid dynamics), computer science, mathematics education, probability theory, and statistics. Some department members are the authors of widely used mathematics textbooks, both graduate and undergraduate.
Current faculty information can be located on the Cleveland State University Faculty Profile page.
Financial Assistance
A limited number of graduate assistantships and tuition grants are available to qualified students. Assistantships include a stipend and tuition support. Applicants wishing to be considered for graduate assistantship are required to provide a personal statement explaining why they decided to pursue an MS in Mathematics or an MS in Mathematics with Specialization in Applied Statistics. Contact the Department of Mathematics for further information. (See the section on Financial Aid and Expenses: Graduate Assistantships in this Catalog.)