Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Specialization leading to a Education, M.Ed. degree.
Sixty credit hours leading to a degree in mental health counseling.
The clinical mental health counseling program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Academic Programs (CACREP). The Clinical Mental Health program model is: The Counselor as facilitator of human development and adaptive functioning in emotional, social, and career domains. This model is designed to reinforce training that is holistic. The Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Cleveland State University, established in 1984, has evolved in a rich human environment and it brings together a diverse student body with a vast array of professional aspirations. It aims at reaching adult learners who are employed in educational and human service settings and therefore offers degrees on a part-time as well as full-time basis and with late afternoon and weekend course offerings. The program integrates a core counseling curriculum with rigorous clinical coursework, practica and internships that prepare graduates to sit for the state counseling exam in Ohio (the National Counselor Exam, or “NCE”) and ultimately obtain the Professional Clinical Counselor (PCC) license in Ohio. Graduates from this program go on to work independently, at agencies in the community, or continue their education pursuing doctoral studies.
Clinical and Field-Based Experience
There are two separate clinical, field-based courses. The first is CNS 680 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum . This is a one-semester course requiring 100 hours of clinical field experience. Counseling Practicum for clinical mental health counseling students is offered in the spring and summer semesters. The second clinical, field-based experience is the two part internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. This is an intensive, two consecutive-semester learning experience. These courses are offered in the Fall-Spring sequence of an academic year. Students complete their field work in a variety of placement settings including community-based agencies, hospitals, college counseling centers, and private practices.
Eligibility for Clinical Mental Health Practicum (CNS 680 )
Students begin planning for their practicum one or two semesters prior to the term they will actually complete this first field-based training. There is a mandatory Practicum Orientation meeting held in mid-Fall semester for all students planning to take CNS 680 the following Spring or Summer semester. The prerequisite courses for CNS 680 are CNS 517 , CNS 620 , and CNS 622 .
Eligibility for Agency Counseling Internship (CNS 686 and CNS 687 )
Students plan their programs so they can apply for internship two semesters in advance of the term in which they wish to take it. There is a mandatory Internship Orientation meeting held in early Spring semester for students planning to do their internships the following Fall and Spring. There are a number of prerequisite courses in order for students to be elibigle for an internship placement, including CNS 680 (practicum), CNS 529 , CNS 623 , and CNS 706 . All prerequisite courses need to be completed with a final course grade of B or better in order to satisfy the prerequisite requirement.