(2 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 or equivalent Use of the chemical literature, automated chemical filing systems, and computerized library searches.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones, with major emphasis on biochemical processes in human cells and organs, enzyme kinetics.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Grad course eligibility for undergraduates: credits earned greater than or equal
to 144 and gpa 2.75 OR level is graduate. Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins and hormones, with major emphasis on metabolism within human cells.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 331 or equivalent Chemical aspects of environmental problems: energy, air, and water pollution; solid waste; toxic substances; and related topics.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Various topics on the impact of environmental pollutants on humans.
CHM 510 - Electronics for Chemical Instrumentation
(4 credits) Introductory modular approach to analog and digital electronics, processing of signals, display of results, and control of experimental parameters.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 311 or equivalent; co-requisite: CHM 516 Co-requisite: CHM 516. Advanced theory and techniques of modern instrumental analysis with emphasis on optical spectroscopies, potentiometry, amperometry, and coulometry.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 311 or equivalent; co-requisite: CHM 516 Co-requisite: CHM 511. Laboratory course designed to accompany CHM 511. Offered day and evening.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 411 or CHM 511. A general overview of the prevalent chemical principles, methods, and instrumentation involved in the analysis of physical evidence.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 322 or equivalent. Fundamentals of statistical mechanics and distribution laws; development and application of partition functions to the evaluation of thermodynamics properties of chemical substances.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 322 or equivalent. Principles of rate processes considered and applied to chemical kinetics; investigation of unimolecular and bimolecular reactions and effects of isotopic substitution.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 and 337 or their equivalent. Corequisite : CHM 402 is strongly recommended. Co-requisite : CHM 402 is strongly recommended. First of a two-course sequence in pharmacology. General aspects of pharmacology, drug effects on the nervous system and neuroeffectors, psychopharmacology, depressants and stimulants of the central nervous system, anesthetics, drugs used in cardiovascular diseases, drug effects on the respiratory tract, drugs that influence metabolic and endocrine functons, chemotherapy, principles of toxicology, etc.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 541. Second of a two-course introduction to pharmacology. Study of human disease processes and the specific rational pharmacotherapeutics relating to the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, hematologic, and dermatologic systems as well as eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Specific drug’s indications, contraindications,mechanism of action, side effects, dosages, and methods of administration will be presented.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 and 337 or their equivalent. Corequisite: CHM 402 is strongly recommended. Co-requisite: CHM 402 is strongly recommended. First of a two-course sequence in medicinal chemistry. Structure-activity relationships, molecular features of drugs, mechanisms of drug action, design and development of drugs, drug names and nomenclature, and therapeutic applications of drugs.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 and CHM 322 or equivalent. Introduction to structure, properties, kinetics, and mechanisms of polymerization, copolymerization, and polycondensation.
(5 credits) Prerequisite(s): Grad course eligibility for undergraduates: credits earned greater than or equal
to 144 and gpa 2.75 OR level is graduate. Introduction to basic chemistry principles and laboratory techniques.
(2 credits) Prerequisite(s): Grad course eligibility for undergraduates: credits earned greater than or equal
to 144 and gpa 2.75 OR level is graduate.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): All other courses required for forensic chemistry certificate. Practical experience at a relevant, off-campus forensics lab.
(6 credits) Prerequisite(s): Grad course eligibility for undergraduates: credits earned greater than or equal
to 144 and gpa 2.75 OR level is graduate. Discussion of selected topics in chemistry as determined by faculty and student interest. Offered occasionally.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Orientation to the philosophy and methods used in teaching chemistry; observation and directed practice teaching in the laboratory and classroom.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 504 and approval of advisor Discussion of special topics in environmental chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 311 or equivalent. Introduction to medical toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring. Lectures and laboratories on drug analysis by chromatographic techniques.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 605. Lectures and laboratories on principles and practice of assessing the impact of exposure to environmental pollutants: levels of pollutants, metabolites, and adducts in human tissues, cells, and body fluids are examined by various methods of analyses.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Discussion of special topics in analytical chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests. May be repeated for credit with chnage of topic.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Theoretical principles of analytical chemistry, including equilibrium, error analysis, and quantitative calculations.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Theory, principles, and applications of electroanalytical chemistry. Electron transfer in molecular mechanisms and molecular imaging, sensors, and state-of-the-art devices for analysis and diagnosis. Theory and application of advanced scanning probe techniques including AFM, STM, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM), and coupled AFM-electrochemical analysis.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Comprehensive survey of separation techniques, including solvent extraction, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, chromatography detectors, gel electrophoresis, and capillary electrophoresis.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. This course covers electrospray, MALDI, CI, APCI, EI, and other novel ionization methods, as well as quadruple, TOF, FTMS, and double sector mass spectrometry. GC/MS and LC/MC also are discussed.
(3 credits) Introduction to X-ray crystallographic theory and techniques for the determination of molecular structure, including heavy atom and direct methods of solving structure.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of Advisor or one year of undergraduate physical chemistry. Principles of quantum theory including aspects of structure and spectroscopy. Will include projects using common quantum computational software programs.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 631 Discussion of special topics in organic chemistry reflecting student and faculty interests. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 or equivalent Structure and properties of organic compounds, including stereochemistry, conformational analysis, aromaticity, reactions, and reaction intermediates.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 631 A study of the mechanisms of organic reactions and their implications in synthetic and structural organic chemistry.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. Discussion of special topics in inorganic chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests. Currently, bioinorganic chemistry and inorganic nanotechnology are the modern topics. Examples from the newest chemical literature will be discussed.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 441 or equivalent Application of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and elementary quantum chemistry to the determination of mechanisms of inorganic reactions; structural aspects of inorganic reactivities. Introduction to bioinorganic chemistry. Applications cover almost every element and examples from the newest chemical literature.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 625 or equivalent Symmetry and group theory of inorganic and organometallic compounds; irreducible representations and character tables; applications to valence-bond and molecular-orbital theories of chemical bonding, structures, and spectroscopy. Applications cover examples from the newest chemical literature.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Laboratory diagnosis of kidney, liver, and hemolytic diseases. Instruction includes physiology and pathophysiology in conjunction with laboratory testing for the above diseases. Laboratory statistics also are covered.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Laboratory investigations of disorders in acid-base balance, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and endocrine functions. Biochemical markers of myocardial infarction. Case studies.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 or CHM 402 Chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids; immunology and AIDS. Enzyme and energetics of metabolic reactions.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 653 Metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds, vertebrate metabolism, neurotransmission, nucleotides, and nucleic acids, DNA processes, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, gene expression, and cancer.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Techniques of immunoassays and techniques of isolation, manipulation, and analysis of proteins/nucleic acids are covered. Includes both lecture and laboratory.
(6 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Clinical Chemistry. Students rotate through the clinical laboratory at Cleveland medical centers, being trained in instrumentation, quality control, and diagnostic uses of various testing methodologies. Students are assigned evaluations and/or development projects for a more in-depth experience. Management issues of the clinical laboratory also are addressed. Offered in the summer to clinical chemistry majors only.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisites: Undergraduate organic chemistry, physical or analytical chemistry or prior permission of the Faculty instructor. Survey of basic and advanced analytical techniques that are critical in investigations of structure and dynamics of biomolecules, including protein, DNA and RNA folding and structures and function. Examination of biomolecules using basic and ADVANCED techniques including spectroscopic, time-resolved, and molecular imaging techniques.
(11 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. An advanced laboratory program in selected techniques to be determined by the needs and interests of the student. Offered every semester.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval. Written report and oral presentation of research progress to student’s Research Advisor and Thesis/Dissertation Committee; includes submission of figures and data, and receiving feedback from the Advisor and the Committee.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing, completion of at least one full-time academic year in the Chemistry MS program or in the Clinical-Bioanalytical Chemistry PhD program, and permission of advisor. Provides students with practical experience in chemical and its applied fields. Students are required to submit a final project report and make an oral presentation at the end of the course. May be repeated one time for credit. Graded on an S/U basis.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Introduction to effective collection, organization, and presentation of technical information. Students are required to present seminars, preferably dealing with some aspect of their proposed research program.
(16 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Methods and techniques of experimental research under the direction of a faculty advisor; includes submission of an acceptable thesis. Offered every semester.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Orientation to the philosophy and methods used in teaching chemistry; observation and directed practice teaching in the laboratory and classroom.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 504 and approval of advisor Discussion of special topics in environmental chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 311 or equivalent. Introduction to medical toxicology and therapeutic drug monitoring. Lectures and laboratories on drug analysis by chromato-graphic techniques.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 605. Lectures and laboratories on principles and practice of assessing the impact of exposure to environmental pollutants: levels of pollutants, metabolites, and adducts in human tissues, cells, and body fluids are examined by various methods of analyses.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. Discussion of special topics in analytical chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Theoretical principles of analytical chemistry, including equilibrium, error analysis, and quantitative calculations.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Theory, principles, and applications of electroanalytical chemistry. Electron transfer in molecular mechanisms and molecular imaging, sensors, and state-of-the-art devices for analysis and diagnosis. Theory and application of advanced scanning probe techniques including AFM, STM, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM), and coupled AFM-electrochemical analysis.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 511 or equivalent Comprehensive survey of separation techniques, including solvent extraction, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, chromatography detectors, gel electrophoresis, and capillary electrophoresis.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. This course covers electrospray, MALDI, CI, APCI, EI, and other novel ionization methods, as well as quadruple, TOF, FTMS, and double sector mass spectrometry. GC/MS and LC/MC also are discussed.
(3 credits) Introduction to X-ray crystallographic theory and techniques for the determination of molecular structure, including heavy atom and direct methods of solving structure.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of Advisor or one year of undergraduate physical chemistry. Principles of quantum theory including aspects of structure and spectroscopy. Will include projects using common quantum computational software programs.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 or equivalent Structure and properties of organic compounds, including stereochemistry, conformational analysis, aromaticity, reactions, and reaction intermediates.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 731 A study of the mechanisms of organic reactions and their implications in synthetic and structural organic chemistry.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. Discussion of special topics in inorganic chemistry, reflecting student and faculty interests. Currently, bioinorganic chemistry and inorganic nanotechnology are the modern topics. Examples from the newest chemical literature will be discussed.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 441 or equivalent Application of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and elementary quantum chemistry to the determination of mechanisms of inorganic reactions; structural aspects of inorganic reactivities. Introduction to bioinorganic chemistry. Applications cover almost every element and examples from the newest chemical literature.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 725 or equivalent Symmetry and group theory of inorganic and organometallic compounds; irreducible representations and character tables; applications to valence-bond and molecular-orbital theories of chemical bonding, structures, and spectroscopy. Applications cover examples from the newest chemical literature.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. Discussion of special topics in clinical chemistry and related clinical disciplines. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Laboratory diagnosis of kidney, liver, and hemolytic diseases. Instruction includes physiology and pathophysiology in conjunction with laboratory testing for the above diseases. Laboratory statistics also are covered.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Laboratory investigations of disorders in acid-base balance, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and endocrine functions. Biochemical markers of myocardial infarction. Case studies.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 332 or CHM 402 Chemistry of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids; immunology and AIDS. Enzyme and energetics of metabolic reactions.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CHM 753 Metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds, vertebrate metabolism, neurotransmission, nucleotides, and nucleic acids, DNA processes, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, gene expression, and cancer.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Techniques of immunoassays and techniques of isolation, manipulation, and analysis of proteins/nucleic acids are covered. Includes both lecture and laboratory.
(6 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Clinical Chemistry. Students rotate through the clinical laboratory at Cleveland medical centers, being trained in instrumentation, quality control, and diagnostic uses of various testing methodologies. Students are assigned evaluations and/or development projects for a more in-depth experience. Management issues of the clinical laboratory also are addressed. Offered in the summer to clinical chemistry majors only.
(11 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of the Director of Clinical Chemistry. Students rotate through instrumentation stations not covered in the first internship course (CHM 656/756) in the clinical laboratory at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation or other medical facility. Topic areas are the same as described for CHM 656/756. Offered in the summer to clinical chemistry majors only.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Tutorial and student participation program emphasizing current developments in various facets of clinical chemistry. Open only to clinical chemistry majors.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisites: Undergraduate organic chemistry, physical or analytical chemistry or prior permission of the Faculty instructor. Survey of basic and advanced analytical techniques that are critical in investigations of structure and dynamics of biomolecules, including protein, DNA and RNA folding and structures and function. Examination of biomolecules using basic and ADVANCED techniques including spectroscopic, time-resolved, and molecular imaging techniques.
(11 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. An advanced laboratory program in selected techniques to be determined by the needs and interests of the student. Offered every semester.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Departmental Approval. Written report and oral presentation of research progress to student’s Research Advisor and Thesis/Dissertation Committee; includes submission of figures and data, and receiveing feedback from the Advisor and the Committee.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing, completion of at least one full-time academic year in the Chemistry MS program or in the Clinical-Bioanalytical Chemistry PhD program, and permission of advisor. Provides students with practical experience in chemical and its applied fields. Students are required to submit a final project report and make an oral presentation at the end of the course. May be repeated one time for credit. Graded on an S/U basis.
(1 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Introduction to effective collection, organization, and presentation of technical information. Students are required to present seminars, preferably dealing with some aspect of their proposed research program.
(16 credits) Prerequisite(s): Undergraduate students, Nondegree graduates ineligible to enroll in 600/700/800 level graduate courses. Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Doctoral research under the direction of a faculty advisor; includes submission of an acceptable dissertation. Offered every semester.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Restriction for undergraduates in graduate courses and enrolled in the college
of Engineering Partial differential equations, integral equations, complex variables, integral transforms, and variational calculus as applied to the areas of elasticity, plasticity, fracture mechanics, materials science, and structural engineering.
(4 credits) Includes a basic review of probability and statistics. Aspects of Monte Carlo simulation are discussed as it relates to reliability analysis and parameter estimation. Concepts of Weibull analysis and weakest link theory will be thoroughly discussed along with other system reliability topics. Standard techniques to estimate statistical parameters are presented. Limit state functions, the reliability index, and approximate methods are discussed. Code provisions based on probabilistic methods will be presented.
(3-0-3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Development of the principles of virtual work, total potential energy, complementary virtual work, total complementary energy, and Reissner’s principle for solid mechanics problems. Castigliano theorems, Ritz, Galerkin, and finite-element methods. Applications in structural mechanics problems for bars, beams, columns, plates, and shells.
(3 credits) Prerequisite(s): Restriction for undergraduates in graduate courses and enrolled in the college
of Engineering Energy methods approach to matrix structural analysis, including the development of element material stiffness, geometric stiffness, and mass matrices of basic structural elements; emphasis on the displacement method with computer program solutions of truss and frame problems.
(4 credits) Techniques in the formulation and application of the Finite Element method. Calculus of variation, potential energy and Galerkin formulations of element stiffness equations. Uniaxial, biaxial element, Isoparametric element formulations.
Applications to plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric problems; solutions of engineering problems using computer software.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): ESC 211 This course fosters an understanding of a number of advanced concepts in the field of engineering mechanics. Topics include three-dimensional stress-strain relationships, including failure theories; bending of non-symmetrical members; curved beam theory; beams on elastic foundations; torsion of non-circular shafts using the membrane analogy; and plate theory.
CVE 514 - Analysis and Design of Composite Materials
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): ESC 211. Behavior of unidirectional composites, rule of mixtures, short-fiber composites, analysis of orthotropic lamina, analysis of laminated composites, design of polymer composite structures, and repair of reinforced concrete structures with composite materials.
(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): CVE 511. Euler buckling of bars, beam/columns, and plates using matrix methods; concepts of geometric nonlinearity including bifurcation and limit point analysis using iterative numerical techniques; applications to load eccentricity and system imperfection.