Feb 16, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2020 - 2021 
Undergraduate Catalog 2020 - 2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs

Air Force ROTC (Aerospace Studies)

The Air Force ROTC program provides professional preparation for students considering service as officers in the U.S. Air Force. The program also offers information on Air Force career opportunities and the role of the military in the American society. Courses in AFROTC are offered to Cleveland State students through a crosstown agreement with Kent State University (KSU). Students enrolled in AFROTC receive Cleveland State credit for the courses; however, the courses are taken at KSU.

Curriculum Registering

Courses are normally taken for academic credit as part of the students’ electives. Entering freshmen and sophomores may register for Aerospace Studies courses at the same time and in the same manner as they enroll in their other college courses. Juniors and seniors wishing to enroll in AFROTC should call the AFROTC Unit Admissions Officer prior to enrollment to discuss the particular requirements.

The curriculum in Aerospace Studies is divided into two parts: the General Military Course (GMC), usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years, and the Professional Officer Course (POC), normally taken during the junior and senior years. Students who qualify will attend a four- (or five-) week Field Training Encampment, usually between their sophomore and junior years. Air Force officers are assigned as full-time faculty members and teach all Aerospace Studies courses.

Students register for an Aerospace Studies course and Leadership Laboratory. Freshmen may register for AF 101  and AF 103  for the fall term and AF 102  and AF 104  for the spring term. Sophomores may register for AF 201  and AF 203  for the fall term and AF 202  and AF 204  for the spring term. Juniors will register for AF 301  and AF 303  for the fall term and AF 302  and AF 304  for the spring term. Seniors in the AFROTC program will register for AF 401  and AF 403  for the fall term and AF 402  and AF 404  for the spring term.


Uniforms and textbooks are provided at no charge to all students enrolled in AFROTC. Textbooks are returned upon completion of each academic year or upon withdrawal from the course.

Veterans with previous honorable U.S. military service who wish to enroll in the POC may be eligible to receive a waiver of either the GMC or its equivalent as an entrance requirement. Veterans who meet all other requirements will be enrolled at the beginning of the junior year.

Financial Assistance

In-College Scholarship Program

Students who demonstrate academic and leadership potential may be nominated by the professor of Aerospace Studies to compete for scholarships. These scholarships are for three or two years, and are awarded in all majors. The scholarship award includes tuition, laboratory fees, $900 annual textbook allowance, and a monthly stipend of $300 to $500, tax-free.

Scholarship Statement of Understanding

Air Force ROTC scholarship recipients must meet and maintain certain academic and military retention standards and serve in the active-duty Air Force after graduation.

Incentive Program

Air Force ROTC students completing Field Training and successfully entering the Professional Officer Course (juniors and seniors), who are not already on scholarship, are eligible to receive $450 to $500 per-month stipend, tax free. Cadets must be in good academic standing.

Contact Information

For further information, contact the Department of Aerospace Studies, AFROTC DET 630, 104 Terrace Hall, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 at 330-672-2182, or email det630@kent.edu.

Army ROTC (Military Science)

The Department of Military Science is also known as the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) department. Military Science basic courses are open to all students as electives. The department provides instruction to the student body in general on the role of the military in America. Such instruction includes military skills, leadership, adventure training, and the role of the military in society.

The department is both an academic entity of the university and an Instructor Group of the United States Army. It is staffed by the Army with approval of the university president. The instructors are professional Army Officers whose academic backgrounds meet standards set by the university.

The goal of Army ROTC is to prepare young men and women for service as Army Officers. Students will explore and evaluate the Army’s career opportunities offered upon graduation with at least a baccalaureate degree. The ROTC program also accommodates students enrolled in graduate degree programs. Courses in the Military Science Basic Program (see MSC I & MSC II below) are offered at Cleveland State University. Courses in the Military Science Advanced Program (see MSC III & MSC IV below) are offered to Cleveland State students through cross-enrollment with John Carroll University. Students enrolled in advanced Army ROTC receive Cleveland State credit for the classes; however, the instruction is given at John Carroll.

Basic Program (MSC I, MSC II)

Students normally take the Basic Program courses during their freshman and sophomore years. Classes are usually taken for academic credit as part of a student’s electives. The Army ROTC Basic Program consists of MSC I and MSC II. MSC I has two courses: MSC 101  (Leadership and Personal Development) in the fall semester and MSC 102  (Introduction to Tactical Leadership) in the spring semester. They will also take MSC 199  (Military Science Leadership Skills Lab) in each semester. MSC II courses include MSC 201  (Innovative Team Leadership) in the fall and MSC 202  (Foundations of Tactical Leadership) in the spring. They also take MSC 299  (Military Science Leadership Skills Lab) in conjunction with the lecture classes. Students taking any or all of the basic courses incur no military obligation and are not part of the Armed Forces. Completion of the four basic course classes (MSC 101 MSC 102 MSC 199 , MSC 201 , MSC 202  & MSC 299 ) is a prerequisite for acceptance into the Advanced Program (MSC III & MSC IV). Prior military service, current Army Reserve or National Guard status, or attendance at the Army ROTC Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Ky., during the summer may also fulfill the Basic Program requirements.

Advanced Program (MSC III, MSC IV)

Students normally take the Advanced Program courses during their junior and senior years. These courses include MSC 301  (Adaptive Tactical Leadership), MSC 302  (Leadership in Changing Environments), MSC 401  (Developing Adaptive Leaders), and MSC 402  (Leadership in a Complex World). Students also take MSC 399  and MSC 499  (Military Science Leadership Skills Lab) each semester. Leadership Lab emphasizes exercises in leadership, tactics, land navigation, communications, first aid, operations planning, and cultural understanding. Each course also includes a two-day field training exercise during each semester.

Students must be accepted by the chair of the Military Science Department at John Carroll University before they can enroll in the Advanced Program courses. Once accepted, each student enters into a contract to complete the courses and to accept a commission as an Army Officer upon graduation. While enrolled in the Advanced Program, each contracted student is paid a subsistence allowance of $450-500 a month during the school year. All Cadets (students) are required to attend a five-week Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY during the summer between their junior and senior year.

Upon satisfactory completion of the advanced courses and award of their academic degree, students are commissioned as Second Lieutenants and serve out a military obligation of at least four years. Students may request either Active Duty or Reserve Force Duty (Army Reserve/National Guard). Under certain conditions, students who have completed the baccalaureate program and their military science studies may request delayed entry into the active Army to pursue professional degrees (MD or JD). Other options available to students in Army ROTC are opportunities to attend Airborne, Air Assault, Northern Warfare, and Mountain Warfare training courses as well as the cultural understanding program in various countries around the world. 


The U.S. Department of the Army annually awards four-year and three-year scholarships on a competitive basis to senior high school students nationwide. Winners are announced in November, February and April. College students can apply for campus-based Army scholarships once they enroll in the Army ROTC program. Two-year scholarships are also available to graduating seniors who will be attending graduate school. In order to apply for any of these scholarships, applicants must have, as a minimum, a GPA of 2.5, an SAT score of 920 or ACT score of 19, pass the DoD qualifying physical, and meet Army fitness and weight requirements.

Army scholarships are based upon merit and are all full-tuition and fee scholarships. They also pay a book allowance of $1,200 per year and a monthly subsistence of $300 to $500 during the academic year.


All university students are eligible for enrollment in the basic courses (MSC I and MSC II). Students who are 18 years of age, who are American citizens or intend to become naturalized and who are physically qualified are eligible for enrollment in the advanced courses of the Military Science department. Any student may audit basic courses in the department with the approval of the chair and appropriate institutional authorities.

Point of Contact

For additional information about the Army ROTC program, contact the Department of Military Science, John Carroll University, at 216-397-4286.


Cleveland State University’s Viking teams compete in the Division 1 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The University sponsors programs for 18 intercollegiate sports, ten women’s teams and eight men’s teams. The Vikings are members of the Horizon League, the Mid-American Conference (Wrestling) and the Midwest Fencing Conference.  Cleveland State’s student-athletes are provided the opportunity to regularly compete against some of the best athletes in the country. Cleveland State University student-athletes represent the University community at local, regional, national, and international competitions, including NCAA Championship tournaments, as well as the Olympics. Over the years, more than 40 Viking student-athletes have earned All-American honors in their respective sport.

Viking student-athletes learn some of life’s most valuable lessons: sacrifice, integrity, preparation, teamwork, communication, and resiliency, all while representing Cleveland State in the classroom and the community. Cleveland State student-athletes consistently earn an overall cumulative GPA above a 3.0 in the classroom. The athletic teams regularly rank among the nation’s academic best and many student-athletes are regularly named Academic All-Americans by their respective Coaches Associations. 

Community service is a cornerstone of Cleveland State University athletics. Viking student- athletes, led by the University’s Student-Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC), participate in a variety of community outreach initiatives. These volunteer activities include tutoring, Adopt-a-School programs, and Special Olympic efforts, among many others.

Athletic Academic Advising

At Cleveland State University, there are professional advisors to assist student-athletes who participate in one of 18 Division I sports offered at the University. Athletic Academic Advisors are committed to assisting all student-athletes with their educational and career goals. Through a supportive environment, on-going assistance is provided in the areas of: academic advising, course selection, registration, add/drop procedures, university policies and procedures, personal counseling referrals, tutorial assistance, course monitoring, study skills and time management seminars, supervised study hall, and management of travel notification letters to professors.


Once a new student-athlete is admitted to CSU, an Athletic (ATH) hold is added to the student’s academic record so that all enrollment decisions can only be conducted by their assigned Athletic Academic Advisor. This hold prevents student-athletes from making any schedule adjustments (adding and/or dropping classes) until they meet with and receive permission from their Athletic Academic Advisor. Once a student-athlete has declared a major, they will also work with an advisor in their field of study. However, due to NCAA academic eligibility guidelines affecting satisfactory progress, all registration must be checked and processed by an Athletic Academic Advisor. 


Athletic Academic Advising at CSU focuses on the collegiate experience from the first year to graduation, emphasizing developmental advising and encouraging self-reliance, academic growth and accountability. Advisors are available to support, counsel, direct and suggest, but the student-athlete is responsible for his or her own education.


  • To graduate every student-athlete who completes his or her athletic eligibility at CSU.
  • To safeguard the academic integrity of the University.
  • To ensure compliance with all rules and regulations of the University and the NCAA.
  • To maintain the athletic eligibility of each student-athlete over their entire tenure at Cleveland State.

Black Studies Program

The mission of the Black Studies Program is to foster academic excellence and success for all students at Cleveland State University and to provide the greater Cleveland metropolitan area with opportunities to acquire knowledge and appreciation of the history and culture of people of African descent.

The Black Studies Program seeks to promote academic excellence, success for all students, and knowledge to foster multiracial, multiethnic, and multicultural partnerships within larger society. The Black Studies Program offers academic opportunities, activities, and services for the enrichment and education of Cleveland State University’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as the greater Cleveland metropolitan area.

The Black Studies Program is a member of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS). The director of Black Studies reports to the Dean of CLASS. The Black Studies staff consists of the director who oversees all operations, programs, and activities of the Black Studies Program; the coordinator of the Dr. Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center; full-time and part-time faculty, and the secretary. The Black Studies Program provides activities and services for the enrichment, education, and enjoyment of all Cleveland State University students, faculty, staff, and the Greater Cleveland community.

The Black Studies Program seeks to carry out its mission through the following six components:

For more information and the calendar of Black Studies events, call 216-687-3655 or visit http://www.csuohio.edu/class/black-studies

Black Studies Academic Program

Black Studies Program offers an interdisciplinary major and minor to students at Cleveland State University. Prospective students will take courses in the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. Black Studies faculty is a dedicated group of individuals and some of the nation’s finest teachers and scholars, whose expertise provides students with an excellent academic environment to pursue their interests. The ultimate goal of the faculty is to challenge Black Studies majors and minors to achieve their maximum potential as students.

The Director of Black Studies is responsible for the administration of the academic program and advising students who elect to major or minor in Black Studies. The director is also required to communicate with faculty who teach Black Studies courses and with chairpersons of departments in which Black Studies courses are taught to encourage the establishment of additional courses and to facilitate the smooth functioning of the Black Studies Program. For more information, contact Dr. Thomas L. Bynum, the director of Black Studies, at 216-523-7211.

Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center

The Black Studies Program operates the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center (hereafter referred to as Center) located in Room 137 of Berkman Hall. The Center’s programs include Umoja Round Tables, KUUMBA Arts Programs, Black Studies Ambassador Engagements, and Bridges to Africa Panel Discussions and Exhibitions. The Center features also the following:

  • Revolving exhibits of the art, culture, and history of people of Africa and the African Diaspora.
  • Formal and informal colloquia, films, video recordings, and programs designed for student retention.
  • A place for students to relax, engage in meaningful discussions, study, socialize, meet new friends, receive tutoring, and learn about career opportunities.

The Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center, which includes the Michael R. Williams Conference Room and the Donna M. Whyte Study Lounge, is available for meetings held by students, faculty, and staff, as well as community organizations and groups that aligned with the mission of the Black Studies Program. Standard operating hours for the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center are Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. To schedule events, please contact Prester Pickett, coordinator of the Center, at 216-687-3656 or p.pickett@csuohio.edu.

Black Studies Lecture Series

The Director of the Black Studies Program and other members of the Black Studies staff are responsible for bringing to the university and the Greater Cleveland community national and/or international speakers, the creative work of visual and performing artists, videos, and film. The director, in conjunction with the Black Studies staff, majors and minors, and members of the interdisciplinary Black Studies faculty, is responsible for presenting the annual Black Studies lecture series.

The Ralph Pruitt Lecture, Arts, and Media Series is a scholarly program that features scholars, professionals, and performing and visual artists. The lecture series celebrates the legacy of the late Dr. Ralph Pruitt, the first director of the Black Studies Program, who valued and appreciated the black culture and academic excellence.

The Curtis Wilson Lecture Series is a scholarly program that promotes research in the area of Black Studies. It provides a platform for scholars to present lectures on various topics in the interdisciplinary field of Black Studies. The lecture series honors the legacy of the late Curtis Wilson, former director of the Black Studies Program, who advocated for an appreciation of black culture, history, and scholarship.

For more information about the Black Studies Lecture Series, contact the Black Studies Program at 216-687-3655.

Jazz Heritage Orchestra

In 1998, with a small group of supporters, the late Dr. Howard A. Mims, professor and former director of the Cleveland State Black Studies Program, founded the Jazz Heritage Orchestra. They envisioned the establishment of a world-class orchestra with a three-fold mission: first, to preserve and perpetuate the musical heritage of the great jazz masters, who were its primary creators and major innovators, by offering educational residencies, clinics, workshops, and master classes; second, to present jazz to all strata of society through concerts, festivals, and conferences; and third, to create Jazz Heritage Orchestra’s own legacy by producing new music. The Jazz Heritage Orchestra is a professional 17-piece performance/education aggregation, which is an affiliate of Cleveland State University Black Studies Program. Composed of outstanding jazz performers, who are also highly competent music educators, Jazz Heritage Orchestra is committed to taking jazz music and its history into the schools and other learning venues. Dennis Bradley Reynolds, former lead trumpeter with the Count Basie and Clark Terry Big Bands, is the artist director. For additional information, contact the Black Studies Program at 216-687-3655.

“Images” Radio Forum

“Images” is a half-hour public affairs broadcast of discussions and conversations with local, national, and international guests. The office of the Black Studies Program is responsible for producing the program, which is hosted by the director of the Black Studies Program and coordinator of the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center. Engineering services are provided by Cleveland State’s Instructional Media Services in the IMS studio where the forums are recorded for future broadcast. “Images” is heard each week on two Cleveland area radio stations: WERE-AM (1490) on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and WCSB-FM (89.3) on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. In addition to scholarly dialogue with renowned guests, “Images” promotes activities and events of the Black Studies Program and other CSU departments and academic units. Initiated over 30 years ago by Dr. Ralph Pruitt and William Glenn Johnson, head of CSU Public Relations, and originally hosted by Curtis Wilson and Howard A. Mims, “Images” is one of the longest running radio talk shows in Cleveland. For more information, please call 216-687-3655.

Black Aspirations Week

A Cleveland State University tradition since 1974, Black Aspirations Week celebrates the cultural heritage of Black Americans and people of the African diaspora. Focusing on Black America’s future, Black Aspirations features a series of scholarly presentations from national and local speakers, workshops, and performances. All programs are free and open to the public.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education has a long history at Cleveland State University, and we are very proud to offer a variety of courses and workshops through our academic units. Northeast Ohio benefits from CE’s professional development programs and offers local communities the opportunity to gain knowledge, pursue personal enrichment, and obtain licensure or CEU’s.

Please visit our website for more information: http://www.csuohio.edu/ce/

  • Black Studies
  • Business & Technology
  • Confucius Institute
  • Education
  • Health and Human Performance
  • Modern Languages
  • Nursing
  • Social Work
  • Test Prep
  • Urban Affairs - GIS (Geographical Information Systems)

Departmental Programs

Students with high grade point averages and a desire for academic challenge should be aware that several departments offer separate departmental honors programs for their students. These include: Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences; Chemistry; Economics; Health Sciences; History; Modern Languages; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Physics; Psychology; Sociology; and Speech & Hearing. Details can be found in the program descriptions for these departments.

International Student Services (CISP)

• International Student, and Scholar Services & Engagement • Education Away • Insitutional Partnerships • Fulbright Advising •

Berkman Hall, Suite 411

The Center for International Services and Programs (CISP) manages eight areas of international education at CSU and is under the Provost Office. The office is composed of the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) and International Programs (IP) and is centered around the CISP international education advisors.

The ISSS @ CISP manages and supports 1200 international students from 82 countries by providing specialized services to exchange and degree-seeking students. The ISSS at CISP also provides a variety of services and programs to international students, scholars, family members and visitors to foster a positive learning experience for both academic and professional growth. 

The IP @ CISP manages about 150 students annually who participate in education away experiences through education abroad and national student exchange. The IP @ CISP also manages exchange programs, institutional partnerships, and Fulbright advising. Outgoing domestic and international students are eligible to participate in education away experiences during their CSU academic career.


Arrival & Orientation. F-1 and J-1 students are allowed by Federal Regulations to arrive up to 30 days before the start of classes. Please plan to arrive early enough to get settled in your housing and attend orientation before your classes begin. Please connect with our Orientation Leaders (a group of international student leaders) who are here to assist with your arrival questions. CISP conducts a mandatory orientation at the beginning of each academic term. The orientation takes place between 10 days to a week before the term begins. The purpose of orientation is to provide new students with pertinent information in relation to their new home-away-from-home, academic matters, health and wellness and immigration matters. For more information about orientation: http://www.csuohio.edu/international/international-orientation-0

Advising. The CISP international education advisors are available to support you with personal, academic, immigration and cross-cultural matters. CISP is the only office at CSU with expert knowledge of F, J, and H1-B status, and regularly provides immigration advising for students. Questions concerning student visas, duration of status, practical training, and on-campus and off-campus work permission are among the topics covered. The Center also conducts work permission seminars.

International Engagement. CISP partners with campus and community entities to create opportunities for engagement, learning and cross-cultural communication. CSU offers multiple opportunities for students to serve in leadership positions and develop strong connections with the community. Students are able to be leaders through all registered student organizations including international student organizations, as well as through committee work.


National Student Exchange

The National Student Exchange (NSE) offers Cleveland State University students the opportunity to take course work at one of approximately 180 participating colleges and universities throughout the United States as well as Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Canada. Students may attend a host institution for up to one academic year while continuing their progress toward a Cleveland State University degree. Students pay CSU tuition while on exchange (Home Tuition Option). 

The program allows students an opportunity to explore and learn from different regional and cultural perspectives and to broaden their backgrounds, often through courses not available at their home campus. All pre-approved courses will transfer back to Cleveland State.

Eligible students must maintain full-time enrollment before and during exchange, be of at least sophomore status, and have a 2.5 minimum GPA.

The application deadline is February 1 for the following academic year.

Interested students should contact the Center for International Services and Programs at 216-687-3910 or by email at intlcenter@csuohio.edu. More information is also available at www.nse.org.

Education Abroad

Studying abroad provides students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a foreign learning environment in order to further develop their academic skills and their understanding of the world and its people. The Center assists students in identifying study abroad programs that fit their academic and personal goals.

One-to-One Reciprocal Exchanges: Students can study abroad for a semester or year in Argentina at the National University of Tucuman, France (ESC Clermont Ferrand or University of Rouen), South Korea (Chung Ang University), or in Turkey at Altinbas University. CSU tuition is paid for the term abroad.

Faculty-Led Programs Abroad: Every year several academic departments offer short-term study abroad programs co-facilitated with CISP. These programs are led by a faculty director from the department and typically include ten to twenty students. Grades earned on these programs are recorded on the transcript and included in the calculation of the grade point average. Previous programs have traveled to India (Social Work); France, Spain, Mexico (WLC); Netherlands (History); Chile, England, Germany, and Italy (Business).

Affiliate Programs: CISP will consider applications for direct enrollment in any international university as well program providers established by other American colleges and universities, non-profit organizations or companies. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester, summer, or a year. In most cases, financial aid can be applied to all approved study abroad programs and course credits can be transferred in and apply towards most degree requirements with a few exceptions. Grades from these programs are not factored into a students’ CSU academic record.

Work, Intern, Volunteer Abroad: CISP will assist students in identifying and applying to a variety of non-CSU work volunteer or intern abroad programs.

Scholarships: Numerous internal and external study abroad scholarships are available. The CISP works closely with the Office of Financial Aid and All-in-One Enrollment Services to help students identify and apply for these awards.   

TRIO/Student Support Services Program

The TRIO/Student Support Services (SSS) Program is grant funded through the U.S. Department of Education and has been part of the Cleveland State University Campus for over 49 years. TRIO/SSS works in cooperation with all offices at Cleveland State University and continues to be committed to helping first-generation and/or low-income college students progress towards graduation and beyond.

TRIO/SSS provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to support and motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of TRIO/SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

TRIO/SSS participants have benefited from services such as:

  • Academic Advising
  • Academic Skills Development Workshops
  • Book Loan Program
  • Career Planning Seminars
  • Cultural and Social Enrichment Activities
  • Financial Aid Guidance
  • Financial Literacy Workshops
  • Graduate and Professional School Preparation
  • Leadership Development
  • Study Abroad and National Student Exchange Scholarships
  • Success Coaching
  • Summer Enrichment Program
  • Tutorial Services

Eligibility Requirements

  • First-generation college student: Neither parent nor guardian received a bachelor’s degree; and/or
  • Low-income: based on federal income guidelines
  • U.S. citizen and/or legal permanent resident
  • Demonstrated academic need as determined by TRIO/SSS

For more information, visit https://www.csuohio.edu/trio/triostudent-support-services or call 216-687-5244.