Feb 16, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022 - 2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022 - 2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


General Requirements

Depending on the program of study, a minimum of 120-131 credits of academic work is required for a Bachelor of Engineering degree (this does not include credits earned in the Cooperative Education Program and Orientation). Consult the program specific sections of this catalog for guidelines and minimum degree requirements.

All degree candidates must satisfy the university requirements which include English and General Education coursework.

Degree candidates must attain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 for all work and at least 2.00 for all required courses - including technical electives - in the combined areas of engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Technical electives are courses in engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, or computer science at the 300 level or above. These electives must not duplicate any courses used to satisfy other credit requirements in the student’s program. Courses chosen to satisfy the technical elective requirement must have adviser approval and must be taken for a grade.

All students are assigned to an engineering faculty member who will serve as their advisor and/or a professional academic advisor. It is the responsibility of students to keep the advisor informed of their academic progress.

Students cannot enroll in any courses for which they lack the required prerequisites. It is the responsibility of the student to see that all course prerequisites are satisfied.

The college reserves the right to alter the content of courses and curricula without previous notice and to provide suitable transition curricula which phase students into the newer courses and curricula.

Transfer Policy

Students who wish to be considered for transfer into or within the College of Engineering must have at a GPA of at least 2.2 from an accredited institution as well as satisfy the program-specific requirements within the College of Engineering as follows.

  • Engineering Major Program of Study: Students must have a grade of C or higher in MTH 181, MTH 182, CHM 261, CHM 266, ENG 100 or ENG 101, ESC 102 or ENG 102, and PHY 241 or PHY 243 for Computer/Electrical Engineering.  For Computer Science, students must have a grade of C or higher in MTH 181, MTH 182, ENG 100 or ENG 101, ESC 102 or ENG 102, and PHY 241 or PHY 243.
  • Engineering Technology Major Program of Study: There are no additional requirements for students transferring from another accredited university or college. Students transferring from other colleges within Cleveland State University must have a grade of C or higher in MTH 148, MTH 149, CHM 251, CHM 256, PHY 221, ENG 100 or ENG 101, and ESC 102 or ENG 102.
  • Pre-Engineering: Students who wish to transfer to the Washkewicz College of Engineering but have yet to successfully complete the requirements for the Engineering or Engineering Technology majors may be placed into the Pre-Engineering major.

University Electives for Engineering Students

In addition to Washkewicz College of Engineering and departmental requirements, university general education courses must be completed in the following areas for a total of 18 credit hours (15 credit hours if you transfer 60 or more credits from another accredited university or college) which will complete the university General Education (GenEd) Requirements:

Arts and Humanities:

Minimum 6 credit hours. Two courses (PHL 215 and one course from a department other than Philosophy which focuses on a society other than the United States).

Social Sciences:

Minimum 6 credit hours. Two courses (ESC 282 and one course which focuses on a society other than the United States).

Social Diversity:

Minimum 6 credit hours. Two courses (each course must be a minimum 3 credit hours). Students who transfer from another accredited university or college that bring in 60 or more transfer credit hours will only need to complete one diversity course.

  1. One course must be African-American.
  2. One course must be U.S. diversity.

Closed Course Sections

In courses for which a waiting-list is maintained, students may be admitted above the authorized size specified by the college, up to the room capacity, at the discretion of the instructor, and taking into account the availability of other sections.

For a course section that is closed and for which a student waiting-list is maintained, a student already enrolled in the section but unable to attend the first class period must notify the course instructor. After one class period, the college reserves the right to reassign the seat of a student not in attendance to someone from the course waiting-list.

Course Withdrawal Policy

The Washkewicz College of Engineering enforces a strict policy concerning student withdrawal from a course after the course has begun for the semester. A student may withdraw from a course until the university’s published date for withdrawal. Engineering students are not allowed to withdraw from a course after that date. However, if extreme circumstances arise which may necessitate a student’s withdrawal from a course, the student may submit a petition to the Engineering College Petitions Committee. The petition must state the specific reasons for withdrawal. These reasons must be fully documented. The petition must be signed by the student’s advisor. The Petitions Committee will determine if the reason is compelling enough to require withdrawal from a course. The particular course or courses to be dropped must be determined in consultation between the student and the advisor. Poor academic performance in a course is not considered a valid reason for late withdrawal. Students should not stop attending a course unless approval of the petition is granted, since very few petitions are approved.

Enrollment in Engineering Courses by Non-Engineering Students

Enrollment in 200-level or above engineering courses is only open to students in the Washkewicz College of Engineering. If a non-engineering student wishes to take an engineering course as an elective, the student must first obtain the permission of their professional academic or faculty advisor, who will determine the appropriateness of the course to the student’s overall plan of study.

The student then must obtain approval by the Assistant Dean of Engineering. If the student receives approval, written authorization will be given, which must be submitted when registering for the course. Students in the Biotechnology Certificate program can take the relevant engineering courses only after approval from the department offering the specific course is obtained.

Engineering Cooperative Education Program

The Cooperative Education (Co-op) Program at Cleveland State University’s Washkewicz College of Engineering is an experiential educational opportunity that provides the link between the classroom and the workplace. It is an opportunity for the student to learn about their area of academic interest through practical experience. Participation is strongly encouraged, as students can gain up to a year of experience prior to graduation.

In order for students of the Washkewicz College of Engineering to participate in the Engineering Cooperative Education Program, they must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete ESC 130 and earn a grade of Satisfactory
  2. Be in good academic standing (not on probation) with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.20 or better
  3. Complete all courses through freshman or sophomore year, depending on major
  4. Transfer students must complete at least 8 credit hours of course work at Cleveland State University in the engineering program, plus meet requirements 1, 2, and 3 above
  5. Approval of the Coordinator of the Co-op Program
  6. Approval of the Sr. Manager of the Co-op Program

To remain in the Engineering Co-op Program a student must:

  1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.20 or better and not be on probation
  2. Register for ESC 300 before each work assignment
  3. Complete all required paperwork and reports on time
  4. Not deviate from the co-op schedule unless prior approval from the Co-op Office and the Co-op Faculty Mentor from their department
  5. Meet formally at least once per semester with the Co-op Faculty Mentor from their department

Students who have been accepted into the Engineering Cooperative Education Program are expected to remain in the program and to complete the schedule approved. A student can withdraw from the program only after giving adequate notice to the cooperative education office and getting approval from that office.

A student who withdraws from the program is not eligible to reapply. A minimum of three semesters of co-op experience is required to qualify as a graduate of the Engineering Cooperative Education Program. Credits earned in the Engineering Cooperative Education Program are in addition to the credits required for an engineering degree.

Students who wish to enter the Engineering Cooperative Education Program should go to the Cooperative Education Office in the Engineering Dean’s Office and request permission to enter the program. The cooperative plan of education consists of alternating periods of employment and full-time study. Special permission is required to take a course while on a co-op assignment. Table J below shows the typical schedules of the program.

Table J: Traditional Rotational Engineering Co-op Schedule

  Fall Spring Summer
Year 1 Classes Classes Classes or Vacation/Break
Year 2 Classes Classes Classes or Co-op
Year 3 Classes Co-op Classes
Year 4 Co-op Classes Co-op
Year 5 Classes Classes  

Engineering Minor

The Computer Science minor is available through the Washkewicz College of Engineering. All Computer Engineering majors fulfill the requirements for the Computer Science minor and need to request it to be added to their Degree Audit by accessing the Ask a Question link in their CampusNet account.

Late Registration and Late Adding a Course

No registration or adds will be permitted after the end of the first week of class. Students must complete the registration process by the end of the first week of class in the semester in which enrollment is sought. Also, students can add courses to their registration only through the first week of class in the semester in question.