Undergraduate Catalog 2012 - 2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Sociology and Criminology
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Professors: James Chriss, Philip Manning (Chair), Peter Meiksins, William R. Morgan; Professors Emeriti: William C. Bailey, Henry M. Barlow, Mareyjoyce Green, Sarah H. Matthews, Hans Nagpaul; Associate Professors: Dana L. Hubbard, Stephanie L. Kent, Robert Kleidman, Teresa LaGrange, Wendy Regoeczi, Rongjun Sun; Assistant Professors: Miyuki Fukushima, Valerie Wright; Lecturers: Dawn Aliberti, Calvin Moore, Marnie Rodriguez, Michael Skladany.
Honors Program
The honors program is intended as an additional experience for criminology majors who have high GPAs and would like more in-depth training in sociology. A variety of honors experiences tailored to students’ interests is offered including additional work in an established course, enrollment in a graduate course, participation in a faculty member’s research project, supervised independent research, and service learning. Students must apply for the honors program no later than the end of their junior year; have completed 2 of the 4 upper-level core courses and a minimum of 60 credit hours; and have an accumulated GPA of 3.3 or higher in all classes. To graduate with Honors in Criminology, a student must participate in the honors program for two semesters, at least 4 hours per semester; receive a grade of at least B+ in each course taken for honors credit; and graduate with at least a 3.3 overall GPA. For further information contact the Department of Sociology and Criminology office, 216-687-4500. ProgramsMinor
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