Feb 15, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2017 - 2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Communication Management, B.A.
Minimum credit hours required for major: 36
Major-Field Requirements
Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits and maintain a 2.25 GPA in Communication to graduate with a major in Communication Management which consists of: 2 Communication Core Courses, 3 Communication Dynamic Courses, 2 Skills Courses, 3 Theory Courses, 1 Capstone Course, and 1 Communication Management Elective. All School of Communication Majors are required to successfully complete COM 101 - Principles Of Communication and COM 303 - Communication Inquiry with a minimum grade of C. Transfer students must obtain at least 20 credit hours including a capstone from Communication Management courses at Cleveland State University. Communication Core (6 credit hours); must earn C or better:
CMGT Skill Courses (6 credit hours); choose two of the following:
CMGT Dynamics Courses (9 credit hours); choose three of the following:
CMGT Theory Courses (9 credit hours); choose three of the following:
CMGT Capstones (3 credit hours): choose one of the following:
CMGT Electives (3 credit hours):
Any of the above classes may be taken as an elective. Notes
- Special Topics courses ( ), Senior Seminar in Communication ( ), and Internship ( ) may fulfill one of the above categories with the permission of the Division Director.
- Additional courses must be approved by the Division Director
- Courses may only fulfill one requirement; for example, a course taken to fulfill a CMGT theory requirement cannot also fulfill the CMGT dynamics requirement.