Undergraduate Catalog 2019 - 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Criminology, Anthropology and Sociology
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Department web-page: https://www.csuohio.edu/class/cas/cas
Professors: James Chriss, Barbara Hoffman, Stephanie Kent, Philip Manning, Peter Meiksins, William R. Morgan, Wendy Regoeczi (Chair); Professors Emeriti: William C. Bailey, Sarah H. Matthews, Hans Nagpaul, Ronald A. Reminick, Willis E. Sibley; Associate Professors Emeriti: Henry M. Barlow, Laura A. Corwin, Mareyjoyce Green, Teresa LaGrange, John W. Lallo, Robert P. Mensforth; Associate Professors: Peter S. Dunham; Linda Francis, Dana J. Hubbard, Robert Kleidman, Rongjun Sun, Miyuki Fukushima Tedor, Valerie Wright; Assistant Professors: Meghan Novisky, Kathryn Olszowy; Assistant College Lecturers: Nicole Hanna; Associate College Lecturers: Dawn Aliberti, Lydia Grebenyova, Michael Skladany, Phillip J. Wanyerka; Senior Lecturer: Marnie Rodriguez
Accelerated 3 + 3 Degree
The CSU/Cleveland-Marshall College of Law 3+3 program permits a student who has completed three years of undergraduate study to be admitted to the College of Law to begin J.D. studies. The undergraduate degree will be awarded upon successful completion of the first full year of the J.D. curriculum, thus permitting the student to graduate with both an undergraduate and law degrees in six rather than seven years of full-time study (or its equivalent). In effect, the first year of law school completes the fourth year of the undergraduate degree (serving, in effect, as undergraduate elective courses) and serves as the first year of law school. This arrangement saves both time and money for the student.
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