High-performing students may enter a 5-year fast-track program to receive both a BA and MA in Spanish. Applications are accepted after completion of core courses in the major and one 400-level seminar. Students accepted into the program then complete the remaining requirements for the major, with two graduate-level courses counting both towards BA requirements and towards the requirements for the MA. Students may then complete the remaining requirements for the Master’s degree with an additional year of full-time study.
The Master of Arts in Spanish degree program is housed in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. For more information, contact the Spanish Director of Graduate Studies at 216-687-4645.
Special tracks: The Spanish major integrates the study of Spanish Peninsular and Latin American areas of literature, linguistics and culture. Students can also concentrate in language studies or combine any of the above areas for teaching or other professional careers.
Course Information: A student majoring in Spanish will find career opportunities in teaching, foreign service, industry, or communications. Language study involves mastery both of performance skills (speaking, reading, writing, understanding) and of a subject matter. The subject matter may be the language itself, its literature, culture, or pedagogy.
Language Skill Courses: A student who has completed Spanish course work in high school or at another institution who wishes to continue the study of Spanish must begin course work for credit at the level consistent with academic background. A placement test is required for all students with less than three years of high-school Spanish or the equivalent. Students who have had three or more years of previous study must consult with an adviser in the foreign language department to determine the appropriate level.
Native speakers: As a general guideline, students who read and write Spanish fluently must begin course work for credit at the 300-level or higher. Students considering a major in Spanish should consult an adviser in the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures as early as possible to plan an effective course of study.
Retroactive Credit: Students are eligible to earn up to 16 “retroactive” credits for previous knowledge of Spanish. This policy is for students who have completed a foreign language skills course and who earned a B or better in that course. For example, if your first Spanish skills course is SPN 201 and you receive an A or B, you can receive credit for SPN 101 and 102. Consult the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at 216-687-4646 for further information.
Credit by Examination: Students who successfully complete the Advanced Placement language examinations may be eligible for credit. For further information, refer to the External Test Credits section of the Registrar’s Office website: http://www.csuohio.edu/registrar/external-test-credit