Undergraduate Catalog 2019 - 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Communication
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Department web-page: http://www.csuohio.edu/class/communication/communication
Professors: Cheryl Bracken, Guowei Jian, Kimberly A. Neuendorf, Richard M. Perloff, Jill E. Rudd;
Associate Professors: Edward Horowitz, Anup Kumar, Elizabeth Pask, Gary Pettey, Robert Whitbred (School Director);
Associate College Lecturer: Jeffrey Bolt;
Assistant College Lecturer: Eryn Bostwick, Ramune Braziunaite, John Jirik, Elizabeth Thomas;
Professors Emeriti: Robert Abelman, Eileen Berlin Ray, Susan E. Kogler Hill, Leo W. Jeffres, Jae-won Lee, George B. Ray.
Online Programs
Students can complete both tracks of the Communication Studies, B.A. online.
ProgramsMajor Minor Accelerated 4+1 Certificate
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